Strangely enough, I am running for City Council in my wee town. Yes, I may well be moving soon (where, oh where?), but that does not preclude a run. I was asked to answer some questions for the Santa Rosa paper. Answers are below. A nifty bonus out of all this is that I was asked to speak about my candidacy at a Camejo rally next week. Oddly enough, I love public speaking.
1. How should a city council respond if an Indian tribe announces plans for a casino in or near that city?
First of all, I think the proper term is "Native American." Indian tribes are what, exactly? Large groups of Sikhs? Native American casinos should be treated and judged the same as any other business interest. Location, impact, etc., are the primary considerations. Prejudices against gambling, as well as petty jealousy of success should not factor into the decision. If we are to legislate against success, we're going to need to curtail vineyard expansion and real estate profiteering as well.
2. Do you support or oppose the countywide transportation tax measure?
I only support a measure that would primarily back mass transit and rail expansion. The "Three Lanes all the Way" rally was a bunch of horseshit. In fact, why not push for "TEN LANES ALL THE WAY?" Shortsightedness has been killing this county for decades. Take a look at how the Codding developments have screwed Santa Rosa's growth and traffic, forever, for example. Whoever approved those should be tarred and feathered.
3. Do you support stricter limits on population growth than now exist in your city?
I do not believe in Not-In-My-Backyard attitudes. Growth will happen, and we cannot expect it to happen "there" but not "here." Until humans understand that breeding like flies will only lead to extinction, we must utilize infill and vertical growth to minimize urban boundary expansion.
I do strongly support stricter limits on box store growth. The fact that we allowed a Wal-Mart into our midst truly disappoints me. Let's just hope that we can get County Supervisor and "wanna be" Assemblyman Paul Kelly out of office as soon as possible. You hear me, Paul?
4. In addition to existing programs, what should your city be doing to promote affordable housing?
The citizenry of Healdsburg should be up in arms against the real estate "cabal" that is destroying the town. Greed runs rampant, and is killing any chance of affordable housing really taking off. Healdsburg truly is the next Carmel, unless the population can take its head out of the sand. I very much doubt this will happen, as everyone in HB loves to brag about how much their home appreciated last month. It's one thing to ask of people to be "liberal" in their thinking, but another entirely to ask them to put aside their personal profits for the betterment of the whole.
5. What should your city be doing to expand water conservation efforts?
Last I heard from the Christian Coalition, God will provide, so we don't need to worry about it. However, as I suspect that God might be busy in Sudan, I would recommend that Syar gravel is immediately forced to stop all operations. That would save a huge amount of water, and rid the town of what is, in my opinion, a terrifically damaging entity. In addition, water conservation awareness campaigns have proven effective. The city can utilize mailers, billboards, and a door to door campaign to remind people that plush green lawns don't need to be watered in the winter.
6. If you could only work effectively on one issue, what issue would you choose?
AFFORDABLE LIVING. Affordable rent, for both individuals and businesses. Breaking up the real estate cabal. Taking back this town from the clutches of those who will quickly shape it into something unrecognizable. Local businesses can no long afford to do business locally, and local workers can no longer afford to live here. This is a disgrace.
8. What's the address of your campaign Web-site? How may voters contact you?
Voters, those rare and special citizens, can contact me by email:
I don't care who you vote for, so long as you vote. For those of you who are opting out of voting - SHAME on you.
Here I thought I lived in a tourist town, one devoid of culture. I've wasted years rallying against the total LACK. Now I spot this pair of signs downtown. . .hmmm. . . .what is going on here??????????

damn, I was hoping you were serious. I'd totally join...
although, that group may already exist.....
No Germans.
(note: sometihng of the nature was already tried in the ill-fated Jaguar group. It lasted about 2 weeks before being shut down. I will say, however, that there are places for the awesome; good places, where awesome frolics and bops off giant awesome mushrooms that grow in awesome poop. Should your awesome reign, someone will surely let you know)
[Edited on Sep 13, 2004 10:54PM]