It does appear that the 15,000 acre-gobbling fire will spare my wee town. The smoke makes for gorgeous sunsets. Dirt always makes things beautiful, no?
I came home from the Prince concert with a bounce in my weary stride, only to find that some motherFUCKER stole my sign. I just KNOW it was the little shit down the street who drives a massive jacked-up blue truck with bumper stickers that read: SPECIAL FORCES and AMERICA, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. I've already made a new sticker that will cover the special forces text with FUCKING RETARD. I know, not very creative. Tonight, vengeance will be mine. Oh, and I've ordered another sign.
Lastly, please post your lucky number below. Thank you.

I came home from the Prince concert with a bounce in my weary stride, only to find that some motherFUCKER stole my sign. I just KNOW it was the little shit down the street who drives a massive jacked-up blue truck with bumper stickers that read: SPECIAL FORCES and AMERICA, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. I've already made a new sticker that will cover the special forces text with FUCKING RETARD. I know, not very creative. Tonight, vengeance will be mine. Oh, and I've ordered another sign.
Lastly, please post your lucky number below. Thank you.
the flowers are lovely and original. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.