The line at the Canadian border was long, but this made up for it.
Now that I have finally made up my mind to leave this town behind me, opportunities start to present themselves. Last night I was invited to join the advisory board of the local Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). This is a great opportunity to interact with intelligent, motivated people (in the real world, no less). In this area, chances like this have been rare. I should be treating the chance like a veritable brass ring and yanking the damned thing from its hook. Instead, I opt ride on by, pursuing a desire to open a string of businesses that cater to indolent drunks. Have I been here before? For those of you who don't know me - that would be ALL of you - the answer is yes. Right down to the business that caters to drunks.
Cycles. Loops. Patterns. Circuits. John C. Lilly defined these as they apply to human behavior quite well during his lifetime. I enjoy his writings. I know his writings. Yet, I seem to learn little from his writings. Damn it all, I'm human. I strive mightily to transcend this minor flaw, but no dice.
You DO have a choice!
1. Vote for the candidate who currently kills for a living.
2. Vote for the candidate who used[/] to kill for a living.
3. Vote your conscience, motherfucker!
I double dog dare you to choose #3.
Give me an email address to send the invite to and it's all yours.

I suppose it's time to be friends.