It's been awhile since I had time to sit down and actually write anything in my blog. Life has been a bit crazy for the last 6 months. Lots of good with some bad.
Let's see, Mom-in-law died, we moved, and we got a new puppy. It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride.
I'm not really in the mood to blog but here...
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2013 started off with a bang and spiraled down to a slide of shit. It was not all bad of course as all things do 2013 had a alight side the balance out the dark. All we can do be thankful for the good and try to learn from the bad.
My lady and I made a lot of new friends. She got her first...
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WTF!? It one shit thing after another with me of late. The black cloud seems like it's here to stay.
" if I didn't have bad luck baby,
I wouldn't have no luck at all."
A journey that a started started as a trip to the ER and tuned into a month in of visiting the ICU came to an end Thursday night. My girlfirend's mother passed on to the next plane of existence. Her daughter and I were by her side, surrounded by family when the last breath of life left her body.
Did you know they give you...
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A journey that a started started as a trip to the ER and tuned into a month in of visiting the ICU came to an end Thursday night. My girlfirend's mother passed on to the next plane of existence. Her daughter and I were by her side, surrounded by family when the last breath of life left her body.
Did you know they give you...
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The time has come to tighten the belt, eat right, and get my fat ass back into the gym. In the weeks leading up to the glutinous day known as Thanksgiven I broke not one but TWO chairs. Now, let me clarify in case you don't catch my meaning. I didn't break these chairs in any way fun like smashing them on the concert or...
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Xbox One Lanch day!!! I should be getting mine later today ... Oh wait, no I'm not. :(
I had to cancel my pre-order because I had to bail out my girlfriend on bills because she didn't pay the cable bill for three months and forgot to get her car inspected and they wouldn't pass her car unless she bought two new tiers (and by...
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I hate using this blog to bitch and be all whiny and shit. Unfortunately this is the only forum in which no one from my real knows me, therefore, giving me grearter power to just vent. If I don't blow off some steam somewhere I'll just end up taking a hand full of pills and washing them down with a pint of scotch. So dear...
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I hate using this blog to bitch and be all whiny an shit. Unfortunately this is the only forum in which no one from my real knows me, therefore, giving me grearter power to just vent. If I don't blow off some steam somewhere I'll just end up taking a hand full of pills and washing them down with a pint of scotch. So dear...
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