I've been playing a whole lot of Broderlands of late. I decided to finish all the DLC before part two came out and now I've gone into full OCD gamer mode and now I'm trying to get all the achievements. I know ofcouse I can't get all of then because several are multiplayer only and my crippling social anxiety now extends to Xbox Live as well. I used to have a group of people I played with ( no one I know in real life) that was a friendly group of guys. Things were good and then Call of Duty got big. Almost overnight online gaming was flooded with the same joke douchbag that I played video game to avoid. Though I really wish I could get over it because the game looks like it would be a hell of a lot of fun with a group.
Amazon will be shipping my copy of BL2 tomorrow for some reason so i might get it on Saturday. It coms out today and I per-ordered months ago. I guess per-ordering means shit. But at lest I'll get my Mechromancer
Amazon will be shipping my copy of BL2 tomorrow for some reason so i might get it on Saturday. It coms out today and I per-ordered months ago. I guess per-ordering means shit. But at lest I'll get my Mechromancer