I really wish I had more time to blog. I think it would help me got to ge all this shit out of my head but as it is I bearly have any time to myself. I don't think people realize how much I do in one day for other people. Taking care of two adults is not fun. I don't recommend it to any one. I wish I knew how much work this was going to be.
Ontop of that, now my job is fucking with my hours. After ten years at the same job working the same hours someone has decided that I have to work weekends. Are you fucking kidding me!!! When I snap and kill myself I'll blame my boss and my mother-in-law for my ultimate demise.
Ontop of that, now my job is fucking with my hours. After ten years at the same job working the same hours someone has decided that I have to work weekends. Are you fucking kidding me!!! When I snap and kill myself I'll blame my boss and my mother-in-law for my ultimate demise.