In a gym full of elipticals, in a row with only one other occupied machine, why dose the hot Asian girl, wearing a Flyers tee and bike shorts so tight and short that they kept ridding up her tight little ass crack, get on the machine next to me?? Of all the other elipticals she could have been using she decides to work out next to my doughy, fat ass. I am baffled.
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First “date” in 17 years
Ever since the end of the relationship I thought was going to last … -
Psych Meds & Libido
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Random song quote that caught my ear
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To My Ex-Fiancé
I only love the woman that you were. The moment you cheated on me… -
I’m a fucking idiot.
I’ve been talking to a girl for a month and a half. Things have b… -
I’m back and better then ever. It’s been a while
My life has been quite a roller coaster over the last six years. My… -
Goodbye for now
Well it looks like it's that time of year. has it'… -
Awkwardness and Anxiety
I have been a social wreck of late. I just feel incrediblly awkward… -
Work Sucks
I am feed up with all the rude fuckers that came through my ER last…