I think this may sum up my entire weekend:
What I'm interested to know is how I skinned the inside of my knee and where the hell did all the bruises come from that I have running up and down my legs?
Friday afternoon I had the wonderful opportunity to drive from L.A. to San Francisco for Prom with Seanbaby and my friend Clem. Those two are an absolute riot and the ride went by so fast. Plus, I love Seanbaby! I'd have such a crush on him if I didn't like him so much.
Got to the hotel where sweet, patient prom date infinitelykaty was waiting. We had a room at the Hotel Tritonthat was put together by Woody Harrelson. Came stocked with lots of yoga meditation CDs and everything in it was made with renewal resources. Well, except for the computer.
It was cool to flip through his guestbook and see what other people who stayed in the room had to say.
I was so drunk... I'm having a hard time recalling the series of events. I know we went to Thee Parkside for the post prom party. I remember Seanbaby knocking me down.. he was play wrestling with me, but I was wearing flip flops and the floor was slippery. I was trying to tell him.. but I was so drunk and couldn't get the words out... I pretty much stood there wide-eyed and chewing on my tongue. Then all of a sudden he came at me again and I slipped down... hit the floor so hard! I was stunned for a second and had to think about how to get up. I bet it was funny. I wish I coulda seen it!
We somehow got back to the hotel and the next morning were off for pre prom shopping. Ran into Alicia Silverstone out front of the hotel. Turns out she'd stayed the night there in the room that Anthony Keidis put together. She's so sweet! We were talking about Michael Franti and she asked me if I'd ever seen him. I told her the night at his show in Hollywood was the first time and she says, "Oh yeah!! That's where I met you!" It's funny because the first time I met her she'd said, "Hi! I've met you before!!!" which, as far as I know, we hadn't met prior to that. I guess it's not so unusual, people whom I could swear I've never seen tell me all the time that they've met me before. Sometimes they'll even give details of our conversation or what I was wearing.
Okay, so infinitelykaty and I trip around the Mission for a bit, stop for crepes at Ti Cous then hit up the Haight. After hours of walking around, I finally find a prom dress and we head back to meet up with Clem and get ready for the main event.
I had some wine and ran around the hotel room showing off my crotch and peeling the scabs from the bad brazilian wax. That lady really fucked me up. I was so pissed and it was icky. Completely guaranteed that I would not be getting laid this weekend. Thanks!!!
Prom was awesome! There were drink specials for $5 shot and a beer, so I quickly got drunk. Maybe someone else can tell me what happened? I got a copy of Eon_McKai's Kill Girl Kill, I danced my ass off to The Lovemakers... uhmm.. I gave a lapdance to Manda? The next day she told me she was just trying to put batteries in her camera and I jumped on her, so, sorry! I put my crotch on Seanbaby's head while he was trying to take a picture with naked Dusty, and I licked, him, too. But he was looking hot in that saran wrap t-shirt:
I ate a cheeseburger at around 2 a.m. with jeremyscareme.
Hmmm.... There are lots of things missing. Someone fill me in, please!
The next day we headed to Thee Parkside for a post prom meet up and thank you sweet sexy Maxx for promptly getting me drunk again with another Irish Car Bomb. Gawd, I looked like hell.
I'm so glad I finally got to meet him. He's so funny.. had me laughing non-stop. I seriously thought I would puke if I laughed any harder.
Stopped by The Lusty Lady and showed infinitelykaty my peepshow. Hung out and shot the shit with my co-workers. I seriously miss it there and can't wait to get back. Apparently I have a bit of notoriety there, as I met two of the new girls. They were like, "I haven't met you before". I introduced myself and they said, "OoOoOh! I've heard about you!" Lusty Jo starts to explain how most conversations about me get started, "Tiger is crazy!" and then an example, "remember that one time she came and got it on with her friends in the booth??" I laughed along with them and then said, "Oh yeah!! I DID do that! Haha".
Next. Post prom party at Delirium. It was a bit of a non-event for me as I was completely out of it by that point. Everyone else seemed to be hooking up and it wasn't happening for me, so I was bummed out. Afterwards hung out with ThePirate for a bit. He's a sweetie and I hope to see him again, soon. He and I ended up trading t-shirts at Thee Parkside earlier that day. I was standing there with no top on waiting for his shirt to swap into, screaming, "Hurry up! Hurry! I always get in trouble when I take my shirt off at bars!!!"
My friend Clem had to head back to L.A. early on and he was my ride back to SoCal. But, I told him before he agreed to come that I was partying the entire weekend. So, I was a little annoyed that he acted surprised at me when I told him I wasn't going with him. I kinda got the sense he felt excluded.. he's not a member and kept asking me questions about the site like, "why does everyone know who everyone else is?" or "how come everyone keeps asking me who I am and why they haven't seen me before?" I tried to explain as best I could, being as drunk as I was... but I also felt like... whaaaaa?? You asked to come here with me and you didn't even take the time to check out what the event would be about???
He's sweet though and I hope he enjoyed himself.
I ended up having to get a Greyhound back to L.A. and the plan was Clem would come get me and take me to my car.. which is trapped in his parking garage. As it happens, his car broke down shortly past Oakland and he's stuck there until they can get some part to fix it. Which means my car is stuck in Venice TFN. Grrrr! So, I'm in L.A. without a car. I had to call marcie90405 to get a ride from her since we had a date for Metal Skool that night.
Metal Skool was awesome! Brett Hellings opened the show with his band... I can't wait to see him play again. It really is incredible how much energy he puts into his set. He's really sexy and fun to look at, too. I wonder when his album is coming out. He seemed to have a decent draw.
Metal Skool went on shortly after midnight. I've seen them three times now. I always manage to plunk myself right in front of the stage and it's so exciting for me to see them perform. It's funny, all the crass and abrasive shit they say and do, I didn't get offended until they said Led Zeppelin ripped off Whitesnake. WTF??!!! I was drunk, and they were kidding - but still! I grabbed the monitor, hauled myself onto the stage screaming, "What!!??? FUCK THAT!! Led Zeppelin --" A girl in the audience grabbed my drunk ass and pulled me back to the floor. LOL. Good thing. If I got any further onstage, Michael Starr may have taunted me into taking my top off.
Part way through their set I turned around and noticed HalSparks standing behind me. I was like, "Heeeey!! What's up, Hal!!!??" and I dragged him closer to the stage. Lexi noticed him and invited him up to sing. I'm so glad I went to Metal Skool that night so I could see that. I know he has a band that should be dropping an album pretty soon.
Other guests on stage were Axl Rose's brother... dunno his name and the guy from Disturbed.. dunno his name, either. It was a good time, though.
Got home a little before 3 a.m., relaxed with a bit of Kill Girl Kill and crashed out. Now, when can I get my car back so I can go out again?

What I'm interested to know is how I skinned the inside of my knee and where the hell did all the bruises come from that I have running up and down my legs?
Friday afternoon I had the wonderful opportunity to drive from L.A. to San Francisco for Prom with Seanbaby and my friend Clem. Those two are an absolute riot and the ride went by so fast. Plus, I love Seanbaby! I'd have such a crush on him if I didn't like him so much.
Got to the hotel where sweet, patient prom date infinitelykaty was waiting. We had a room at the Hotel Tritonthat was put together by Woody Harrelson. Came stocked with lots of yoga meditation CDs and everything in it was made with renewal resources. Well, except for the computer.

I was so drunk... I'm having a hard time recalling the series of events. I know we went to Thee Parkside for the post prom party. I remember Seanbaby knocking me down.. he was play wrestling with me, but I was wearing flip flops and the floor was slippery. I was trying to tell him.. but I was so drunk and couldn't get the words out... I pretty much stood there wide-eyed and chewing on my tongue. Then all of a sudden he came at me again and I slipped down... hit the floor so hard! I was stunned for a second and had to think about how to get up. I bet it was funny. I wish I coulda seen it!

We somehow got back to the hotel and the next morning were off for pre prom shopping. Ran into Alicia Silverstone out front of the hotel. Turns out she'd stayed the night there in the room that Anthony Keidis put together. She's so sweet! We were talking about Michael Franti and she asked me if I'd ever seen him. I told her the night at his show in Hollywood was the first time and she says, "Oh yeah!! That's where I met you!" It's funny because the first time I met her she'd said, "Hi! I've met you before!!!" which, as far as I know, we hadn't met prior to that. I guess it's not so unusual, people whom I could swear I've never seen tell me all the time that they've met me before. Sometimes they'll even give details of our conversation or what I was wearing.

Okay, so infinitelykaty and I trip around the Mission for a bit, stop for crepes at Ti Cous then hit up the Haight. After hours of walking around, I finally find a prom dress and we head back to meet up with Clem and get ready for the main event.
I had some wine and ran around the hotel room showing off my crotch and peeling the scabs from the bad brazilian wax. That lady really fucked me up. I was so pissed and it was icky. Completely guaranteed that I would not be getting laid this weekend. Thanks!!!

Prom was awesome! There were drink specials for $5 shot and a beer, so I quickly got drunk. Maybe someone else can tell me what happened? I got a copy of Eon_McKai's Kill Girl Kill, I danced my ass off to The Lovemakers... uhmm.. I gave a lapdance to Manda? The next day she told me she was just trying to put batteries in her camera and I jumped on her, so, sorry! I put my crotch on Seanbaby's head while he was trying to take a picture with naked Dusty, and I licked, him, too. But he was looking hot in that saran wrap t-shirt:

I ate a cheeseburger at around 2 a.m. with jeremyscareme.
Hmmm.... There are lots of things missing. Someone fill me in, please!
The next day we headed to Thee Parkside for a post prom meet up and thank you sweet sexy Maxx for promptly getting me drunk again with another Irish Car Bomb. Gawd, I looked like hell.

I'm so glad I finally got to meet him. He's so funny.. had me laughing non-stop. I seriously thought I would puke if I laughed any harder.
Stopped by The Lusty Lady and showed infinitelykaty my peepshow. Hung out and shot the shit with my co-workers. I seriously miss it there and can't wait to get back. Apparently I have a bit of notoriety there, as I met two of the new girls. They were like, "I haven't met you before". I introduced myself and they said, "OoOoOh! I've heard about you!" Lusty Jo starts to explain how most conversations about me get started, "Tiger is crazy!" and then an example, "remember that one time she came and got it on with her friends in the booth??" I laughed along with them and then said, "Oh yeah!! I DID do that! Haha".
Next. Post prom party at Delirium. It was a bit of a non-event for me as I was completely out of it by that point. Everyone else seemed to be hooking up and it wasn't happening for me, so I was bummed out. Afterwards hung out with ThePirate for a bit. He's a sweetie and I hope to see him again, soon. He and I ended up trading t-shirts at Thee Parkside earlier that day. I was standing there with no top on waiting for his shirt to swap into, screaming, "Hurry up! Hurry! I always get in trouble when I take my shirt off at bars!!!"

My friend Clem had to head back to L.A. early on and he was my ride back to SoCal. But, I told him before he agreed to come that I was partying the entire weekend. So, I was a little annoyed that he acted surprised at me when I told him I wasn't going with him. I kinda got the sense he felt excluded.. he's not a member and kept asking me questions about the site like, "why does everyone know who everyone else is?" or "how come everyone keeps asking me who I am and why they haven't seen me before?" I tried to explain as best I could, being as drunk as I was... but I also felt like... whaaaaa?? You asked to come here with me and you didn't even take the time to check out what the event would be about???

I ended up having to get a Greyhound back to L.A. and the plan was Clem would come get me and take me to my car.. which is trapped in his parking garage. As it happens, his car broke down shortly past Oakland and he's stuck there until they can get some part to fix it. Which means my car is stuck in Venice TFN. Grrrr! So, I'm in L.A. without a car. I had to call marcie90405 to get a ride from her since we had a date for Metal Skool that night.
Metal Skool was awesome! Brett Hellings opened the show with his band... I can't wait to see him play again. It really is incredible how much energy he puts into his set. He's really sexy and fun to look at, too. I wonder when his album is coming out. He seemed to have a decent draw.
Metal Skool went on shortly after midnight. I've seen them three times now. I always manage to plunk myself right in front of the stage and it's so exciting for me to see them perform. It's funny, all the crass and abrasive shit they say and do, I didn't get offended until they said Led Zeppelin ripped off Whitesnake. WTF??!!! I was drunk, and they were kidding - but still! I grabbed the monitor, hauled myself onto the stage screaming, "What!!??? FUCK THAT!! Led Zeppelin --" A girl in the audience grabbed my drunk ass and pulled me back to the floor. LOL. Good thing. If I got any further onstage, Michael Starr may have taunted me into taking my top off.

Part way through their set I turned around and noticed HalSparks standing behind me. I was like, "Heeeey!! What's up, Hal!!!??" and I dragged him closer to the stage. Lexi noticed him and invited him up to sing. I'm so glad I went to Metal Skool that night so I could see that. I know he has a band that should be dropping an album pretty soon.
Other guests on stage were Axl Rose's brother... dunno his name and the guy from Disturbed.. dunno his name, either. It was a good time, though.
Got home a little before 3 a.m., relaxed with a bit of Kill Girl Kill and crashed out. Now, when can I get my car back so I can go out again?

pisc are up

you look really cute in that picture where you look like youre licking that dudes chest