Tiger_Liger has pissed me off. He's being all sweetness right now because I was ready to rage earlier. While I was out he broke into the cupboard, ripped open his bag of litter and dragged bits all over the apartment. It's going to take days for me to clean that up.
I had an awesome weekend. I hung out with Seanbaby and luckybestwash. I felt kinda bad because luckybestwash lives practically down the street from me, yet I never took time to hang out with him. But as soon as Seanbaby is in town I drop everything and run to him.
I love hanging out with Seanbaby. He's intelligent and quick-witted... very fun to look at. I wish I had more guy friends like that.
We ate a lot.. and drank. I finally got to watch this Ultimate Fighting Championship they're always talking about, which I actually enjoyed. I thought I might like it, because I enjoy watching boys wrestle half-naked.. but it was even more engaging than that. The first round of fighting looked to me like just some sloppy grappling match. Thank luckybestwash and his patience for taking the time to explain the various guards and holds. After understanding the skill and technique involved, it got really fun to watch. Later, Sean showed me how to put an armbar hold on him. Very sexxxy! I think I could really get into this wrestling thing.
Went out to The Derby for Burlesque Bingo. I had a nice time. Saw the sexy bartender with the bubble butt whom I flirted with one of the last times I went there. He remembered my name, which surprised me. I asked him again to call me, but we don't have high hopes. He probably gets dozens of sauced girls handing out their number to him every night.
Wish I remembered to buy more batteries. Tonight I will suffer.
I really wish the The Crusty Demons would get their asses back to the States. They're still off in Australia. I may have to swing a way to go over and see them. The didn't get a whole lot of love when I saw them in Oakland last year though, so it's really no wonder they tour overseas.
Awww, hell. Metal Mulisha Deegan has his own Etnies! They are fuckin badass, I gotta get a pair! This is funny. The only sneakers I will have will be FMX competitor exclusives. I already have Nate Adams DCs.
Anyway, I need to see those boys soon.
I've got a busy couple weeks coming up. More partying than work - as it should always be in my ideal world.
I'm pooped. Hafta get up early tomorrow and detail my living room and kitchen for bits of kitty litter and finalize last minute details for my New York trip on Wednesday.

I had an awesome weekend. I hung out with Seanbaby and luckybestwash. I felt kinda bad because luckybestwash lives practically down the street from me, yet I never took time to hang out with him. But as soon as Seanbaby is in town I drop everything and run to him.

We ate a lot.. and drank. I finally got to watch this Ultimate Fighting Championship they're always talking about, which I actually enjoyed. I thought I might like it, because I enjoy watching boys wrestle half-naked.. but it was even more engaging than that. The first round of fighting looked to me like just some sloppy grappling match. Thank luckybestwash and his patience for taking the time to explain the various guards and holds. After understanding the skill and technique involved, it got really fun to watch. Later, Sean showed me how to put an armbar hold on him. Very sexxxy! I think I could really get into this wrestling thing.

Went out to The Derby for Burlesque Bingo. I had a nice time. Saw the sexy bartender with the bubble butt whom I flirted with one of the last times I went there. He remembered my name, which surprised me. I asked him again to call me, but we don't have high hopes. He probably gets dozens of sauced girls handing out their number to him every night.
Wish I remembered to buy more batteries. Tonight I will suffer.
I really wish the The Crusty Demons would get their asses back to the States. They're still off in Australia. I may have to swing a way to go over and see them. The didn't get a whole lot of love when I saw them in Oakland last year though, so it's really no wonder they tour overseas.
Awww, hell. Metal Mulisha Deegan has his own Etnies! They are fuckin badass, I gotta get a pair! This is funny. The only sneakers I will have will be FMX competitor exclusives. I already have Nate Adams DCs.
Anyway, I need to see those boys soon.
I've got a busy couple weeks coming up. More partying than work - as it should always be in my ideal world.
I'm pooped. Hafta get up early tomorrow and detail my living room and kitchen for bits of kitty litter and finalize last minute details for my New York trip on Wednesday.
Cats is the craziest people.
hahaha...why do I see you coming to me as a battery source in the near future. You know, I keep a supply of those Rayovac rechargeables, and there's always a set in the charger. And they last forever. They're the best.
I have a similar ideal world, unfortunately there are no openings for sexy rockstars in the Morgantown area, so I have to bust my ass at my crappy job for a little while longer.
Just until we take over the world though. So...a few more weeks should do it.
"Live Intensely" would be the condensed version of my official life's motto. The actual one goes: "Leap and the net will appear." It's a zen saying that rules me. What's the worst leaping without a net ever got anyone? Death? I can think of a lot more things worse than that.
What did not leaping get anyone? It got them laughed at by all of their circus friends! Not to mention that mountain of regret.
I have no idea what I'm talking about. I think it's bedtime.