I finally uploaded a couple prom pics that I yoinked from Seanbaby.
Seanbaby trying to restrain me from devouring his snowcone colored head.
Me looking like a nerd-girl with those damned ass custom made lenses I special ordered to make me feel better about having to wear glasses. I was kinda drunk, so I still really couldn't see. Oh, yeah. And Seanbaby telling cameraman to take the fuckin' picture so he could finish his fuckin' beer! Or... something.
My friend who took additional pics keeps forgetting to bring them when he visits. He was using his manual cam and says he isn't completely happy with the results. I *still* want to see them, tho.
Friday was interesting at work. I got an email from a co-worker saying some guy called for me. Said he'd met me at the gym maybe a month ago. LOL. I was taking some dance aerobics class and he was one of the guys standing at the door oogling all of us girls learning the routine for Janet Jackson's If video, while I was oogling the blonde chick in class in front of me shaking her ass like Britney Spears. Afterwards he chatted me up for quite a bit, and I probably did tell him where I worked. I don't know whether to be flattered or freaked out that he called my job to find me.
Today was fun. Housemate and I made two attempts to see a couple films from the San Francisco Black Film Fest. We missed both because were an hour late for each. First time because we got out of bed late, then caught the bus to the wrong theatre. The second time we ended up stopping at one of my favorite restaurants for crepes and cocktails around noon o' clock. Then we deviated our path to next theatre to go to a camera shop. lol. So, basically we just wandered around town all damn day. The whether was so sunny and warm, I had a great time anyway.
Now we want to go out dancing. I LOVE to dance and I rarely go out to do it.
Time for spicy fried chicken and some beers! YUM!

Seanbaby trying to restrain me from devouring his snowcone colored head.

Me looking like a nerd-girl with those damned ass custom made lenses I special ordered to make me feel better about having to wear glasses. I was kinda drunk, so I still really couldn't see. Oh, yeah. And Seanbaby telling cameraman to take the fuckin' picture so he could finish his fuckin' beer! Or... something.
My friend who took additional pics keeps forgetting to bring them when he visits. He was using his manual cam and says he isn't completely happy with the results. I *still* want to see them, tho.
Friday was interesting at work. I got an email from a co-worker saying some guy called for me. Said he'd met me at the gym maybe a month ago. LOL. I was taking some dance aerobics class and he was one of the guys standing at the door oogling all of us girls learning the routine for Janet Jackson's If video, while I was oogling the blonde chick in class in front of me shaking her ass like Britney Spears. Afterwards he chatted me up for quite a bit, and I probably did tell him where I worked. I don't know whether to be flattered or freaked out that he called my job to find me.
Today was fun. Housemate and I made two attempts to see a couple films from the San Francisco Black Film Fest. We missed both because were an hour late for each. First time because we got out of bed late, then caught the bus to the wrong theatre. The second time we ended up stopping at one of my favorite restaurants for crepes and cocktails around noon o' clock. Then we deviated our path to next theatre to go to a camera shop. lol. So, basically we just wandered around town all damn day. The whether was so sunny and warm, I had a great time anyway.
Now we want to go out dancing. I LOVE to dance and I rarely go out to do it.
Time for spicy fried chicken and some beers! YUM!

You are very beautiful yourself!