Damn... when it rains, it pours. My former slave contacted me today after months and months. She told me that she isn't happy, is living with a man who she was leaving when last we talked... and is pregnant. I'm excited that she is pregnant. She always wanted a daughter. The part that burns me is how unhappy she sounds. There is a part of me that feels like she chose this life over a life with me. Yet, I know that it is mostly circumstance. She needed to stay near home to help with the treatment for her cancer and her fibromyalgia. But when things go bad, they seem to keep going bad for me.
Now... I'm done with things going bad. It's time for them to turn around. It's time for me to go to the range and put some holes in paper. It's time for me to quit fucking around and get a new job. It's time for me to move on and find a woman that will care as deeply for me as I do for her. One to wear my collar and be shielded by my hand. It's time for the good.
So, if you are going to comment on my blog today, tell me something that is good that is going on in your life. Share the sunshine and the bright days. Let joy vanquish sorrow. Let light drive away the shadows of what could have been. Let the joyous future before us cause the fractured past to recede into distant memory.
Now... I'm done with things going bad. It's time for them to turn around. It's time for me to go to the range and put some holes in paper. It's time for me to quit fucking around and get a new job. It's time for me to move on and find a woman that will care as deeply for me as I do for her. One to wear my collar and be shielded by my hand. It's time for the good.
So, if you are going to comment on my blog today, tell me something that is good that is going on in your life. Share the sunshine and the bright days. Let joy vanquish sorrow. Let light drive away the shadows of what could have been. Let the joyous future before us cause the fractured past to recede into distant memory.
I love your words of optimism Sirius....it makes my day light up like a full patronus on a rainy day...as for my sentence of positivity, I am pleased to say that I have started life anew since I moved out to LA a year ago and have finally settled down with my new regiment of exercise and less hectic schedule 

Hey man - i'm Brad. It isn't today anymore, but I pick up four new guns I ordered on Friday so that's pretty good in my world.