Music: Empire records soundtrack
Word of the day: Schiznitz
Crushes of the week: Milla Jovovich;Phobot; that really cute guy from Empire records.
Sooooooo I guess its time for a better update than /rant and happy valentines....whats occuring in the world of Sinope??
Firstly whoever sent me Nightmare Before Christmas from my wishitylist THANKYOU SO MUCH! Please let me know who you are so I can say thanks properly
Dunno if it was an early birthday gift, valentines or just pure sweetness...but its put the biiiiiiiiigggggest smile on my face
Secondly thanks for the valentines wishes lovelies...your all just the SCHIZNITZ!
I had the best weekend
my Dad came to stay and we got kinda drunk, went out for all you can eat oriental buffet and played silly board games on Saturday 

my dad rocks!
Sunday just spent the evening in a chilled type manner with my luuuuuuuurvely Phobot
The past couple of weeks have been kinda strange...people that rock my world have disappeared and it makes me sad
The job front isn't any easier....I thought I was sorted at last, I thought I could at least stay at the place I'm at until I could get something amazing, so I turned down the crappy but better paid job. 3 days later I get told by email that all the temps, no matter what their position will be asked to leave on the 31st of March. Buggerit.....I actually kinda like that place...particularly as they haven't cared that I dyed the bottom of my hair half pink. Why is it always that you start to settle and everything gets taken away??
Go congratulate my lovely Phobot on getting a real full on permenant job at EA games though! things aren't all bad I least I know that I only need to hunt for jobs around here!
OOOOOHOOOOH and I'm going to see Oceans 12 tonight.
The days are getting lighter, warmer.....maybe my heart is too. No snow for me this year it would seem
But then if there was I wouldn't have a party of squirrels outside my window!
Jebus from /rant to essay in one fell swoop!
loves ya all
1) What film character are you most like? I would go with Debs from Empire Records at the changes though!
2) cats or dogs? Cats rule!
3) is this it?
4) Would you rather be at the top of a mountain or caving?
5) Fave Nightmare before Xmas character?

Music: Empire records soundtrack

Word of the day: Schiznitz
Crushes of the week: Milla Jovovich;Phobot; that really cute guy from Empire records.
Sooooooo I guess its time for a better update than /rant and happy valentines....whats occuring in the world of Sinope??
Firstly whoever sent me Nightmare Before Christmas from my wishitylist THANKYOU SO MUCH! Please let me know who you are so I can say thanks properly

Secondly thanks for the valentines wishes lovelies...your all just the SCHIZNITZ!
I had the best weekend

Sunday just spent the evening in a chilled type manner with my luuuuuuuurvely Phobot

The past couple of weeks have been kinda strange...people that rock my world have disappeared and it makes me sad

The job front isn't any easier....I thought I was sorted at last, I thought I could at least stay at the place I'm at until I could get something amazing, so I turned down the crappy but better paid job. 3 days later I get told by email that all the temps, no matter what their position will be asked to leave on the 31st of March. Buggerit.....I actually kinda like that place...particularly as they haven't cared that I dyed the bottom of my hair half pink. Why is it always that you start to settle and everything gets taken away??
Go congratulate my lovely Phobot on getting a real full on permenant job at EA games though! things aren't all bad I least I know that I only need to hunt for jobs around here!
OOOOOHOOOOH and I'm going to see Oceans 12 tonight.
The days are getting lighter, warmer.....maybe my heart is too. No snow for me this year it would seem

Jebus from /rant to essay in one fell swoop!
loves ya all

1) What film character are you most like? I would go with Debs from Empire Records at the changes though!
2) cats or dogs? Cats rule!
3) is this it?
4) Would you rather be at the top of a mountain or caving?
5) Fave Nightmare before Xmas character?
Thats great that you get on so well with your Dad. Im all about family - my folks are the cream of the entire crop, as far as I'm concerned.
I was very proud to have posted your silliest picture the other day. Its was from the Rennissance Festival in Washington. That woman kicked me in the jimmies twice a weekend for two months a year. Youch.
hope all is well!
1) What film character are you most like? Roger Rabbit
2) cats or dogs? Depends - cats up on the bed cuddling, dogs ripping an intruders balls off
3) is this it? Nope. In fact, its just getting started.
4) Would you rather be at the top of a mountain or caving? Must . . . resist . . . dirty . . . joke . . . moving on . . . .
5) Fave Nightmare before Xmas character? Three way tie - Lock, Shock and Barrel.
Sometimes. When it doesn't cheat.
Do you play?