The Disjointed Musings of A Confused Soul
The Incredibles is fantastic
Sweet Child O' Mine rocks my freaking socks off and is officially my favourite song of all time...closely followed by Cornflake Girl.
I hate Toe Socks - they make me
I have a very sore foot
I go on holiday in 4 days
It seems black olives and Peperoni come out tops for pizza, so thats what I'm going to order.
More ramblings from the world of tempness....
I never realised just how bizzare the process of putting up christmas decoractions is. I've always enjoyed it, always looked forward to it and always got stupidly creative with them. Yet today the whole office has gone bonkers, rushing out to buy cheesy metallic garlands, cutting out paper snowflakes, primping and preening just so their desk can look the best.
I don't get it, for some reason it all seems so pointless. Maybe its just cos I realise now that people don't really understand what they are celebrating over this period.
I feel like scrooge, I hope to hell this means I haven't grown up - I swore I never would and now I don't know what to do!
Maybe its just because I don't really belong at the office, I don't have a set workspace - nowhere to personalise and make my own christmassy haven. OMG what the hell is wrong with me...snap out of it girl - agggh where is my christmassy cheer?
Maybe I just know that this christmas is going to be difficult. I'm poorer than I have ever been, I can't really afford to buy presents, I don't know if I will see or even hear from my mum because of her situation.
I need some christmas cheer, I need people to celebrate with, I need to lighten up.
I guess I just don't see the point of christmas anymore - always a chore, always arguments, always a rush - me trying to spread myself around and please everyone but myself. I guess thats why this year I am nothing more than Scrooge waiting for someone to wake me up, to fill my hear with warmth and remind me what christmas is all about.
Still theres always Cutie Horny-Elf hiding in there somewhere....if you haven't done it already go Tell me your christmas name...least I can have a giggle at those
1) what could you break a world record in?
2) say something with innudendo
3) incense or scented candles?
4) bath or shower?
5) sugar or spice?
*update* - bugger I have a reaaaaaaaaally poorly foot and am supposed to stay off it for 3 weeks *wails loudly*
The Incredibles is fantastic
Sweet Child O' Mine rocks my freaking socks off and is officially my favourite song of all time...closely followed by Cornflake Girl.
I hate Toe Socks - they make me
I have a very sore foot
I go on holiday in 4 days
It seems black olives and Peperoni come out tops for pizza, so thats what I'm going to order.
More ramblings from the world of tempness....
I never realised just how bizzare the process of putting up christmas decoractions is. I've always enjoyed it, always looked forward to it and always got stupidly creative with them. Yet today the whole office has gone bonkers, rushing out to buy cheesy metallic garlands, cutting out paper snowflakes, primping and preening just so their desk can look the best.
I don't get it, for some reason it all seems so pointless. Maybe its just cos I realise now that people don't really understand what they are celebrating over this period.
I feel like scrooge, I hope to hell this means I haven't grown up - I swore I never would and now I don't know what to do!
Maybe its just because I don't really belong at the office, I don't have a set workspace - nowhere to personalise and make my own christmassy haven. OMG what the hell is wrong with me...snap out of it girl - agggh where is my christmassy cheer?
Maybe I just know that this christmas is going to be difficult. I'm poorer than I have ever been, I can't really afford to buy presents, I don't know if I will see or even hear from my mum because of her situation.
I need some christmas cheer, I need people to celebrate with, I need to lighten up.
I guess I just don't see the point of christmas anymore - always a chore, always arguments, always a rush - me trying to spread myself around and please everyone but myself. I guess thats why this year I am nothing more than Scrooge waiting for someone to wake me up, to fill my hear with warmth and remind me what christmas is all about.
Still theres always Cutie Horny-Elf hiding in there somewhere....if you haven't done it already go Tell me your christmas name...least I can have a giggle at those
1) what could you break a world record in?
2) say something with innudendo
3) incense or scented candles?
4) bath or shower?
5) sugar or spice?
*update* - bugger I have a reaaaaaaaaally poorly foot and am supposed to stay off it for 3 weeks *wails loudly*
I'm buying no presents. I am giving no presents. I hope to get NO presents (well aside from the computer funding my mom's giving me
1) what could you break a world record in?
eating potato chips
2) say something with innudendo?
hrm. I can't say something with innuendo, the situation has to present itself. I can say something like, you've got something on your face, just there. *lips brushing*
3) incense or scented candles?
both, depends.
4) bath or shower?
shower, more fun being upright and mobile together
5) sugar or spice?
definitely spice
All the rest of us did was tape a bit of tinsel to the computer screens. No competiveness here just nicely coordinated tat.