Well, I think yesterday was the first day I didn't get on the internet at all for the first time in a long time.
I guess that's a good sign, I am actually starting to get a life.
I got to work in the morning, didn't get off untiol after 4. I had to go come and shower and stuff cause we were going to a free alcohol and food give away at Druj's apartment complex. This is also called by others a party. We had fun. Then we went to see Soilent Green at the Masquerade. Great show. They were fucking awesome. Metal makes me feel good. there were some other local metal bands that surprisingly weren't that bad at all. At the end of the night I wanted to hang out some more, but my body was giving up on me. I started my diet for real this time, a couple of days ago. And yesterday was a non-stop day. I just had to go to bed. Plus I've been feeling a little sick lately. My tummy gives me problems sometimes. I think I have an ulcer.
Tomorrow I'll be going to see my mother in law for early mother's day and then I'll be going to the girls night out thingy if all goes well. Any other ladies going to this SGATL event?
Hope everyone has a good day!
I like to ask questions so here goes.
1. How far back in your childhood can you remember? (age?)
2. Back at school, were you the bully? or the bullee?
3. Do you have a favorite number? Why do you think this is your favorite number?

I got to work in the morning, didn't get off untiol after 4. I had to go come and shower and stuff cause we were going to a free alcohol and food give away at Druj's apartment complex. This is also called by others a party. We had fun. Then we went to see Soilent Green at the Masquerade. Great show. They were fucking awesome. Metal makes me feel good. there were some other local metal bands that surprisingly weren't that bad at all. At the end of the night I wanted to hang out some more, but my body was giving up on me. I started my diet for real this time, a couple of days ago. And yesterday was a non-stop day. I just had to go to bed. Plus I've been feeling a little sick lately. My tummy gives me problems sometimes. I think I have an ulcer.
Tomorrow I'll be going to see my mother in law for early mother's day and then I'll be going to the girls night out thingy if all goes well. Any other ladies going to this SGATL event?
Hope everyone has a good day!
I like to ask questions so here goes.
1. How far back in your childhood can you remember? (age?)
2. Back at school, were you the bully? or the bullee?
3. Do you have a favorite number? Why do you think this is your favorite number?

2. I was home-schooled.
3. 13-because it's taboo.
See you tonight, woman! It'll be cool to finally hang out.