I have't heard from my husband in 2 days. I know that's not a long time and I probably SHOULDN'T worry, but he usually calls every day for at least 15 mins. or whatever. I know they're pretty safe in Iraq, but I constantly worry because you just never know. I want him to come back so I can have my best friend back. I don't have anyone I can talk about my feelings with. I just miss him TONS and I'm sure everyone around me just wants him to come home so I can stop being so miserable
I get emotional a lot when I think about him. I mean we only got to be around each other for the first month of our marriage...and then off he goes. I mean I knew he was leaving, but I never thought it would affect me so much. love, what a thing.

glad your hubby is coming home in a few months!!!! If i kept my fosters i wouldnt have the energy to foster new ones 

that is sooooo cute!!! what i bad ass idea!