soo its my day off..what ddo i have in store?? 1. just applied to be a hopeful. enough of talking and wishing. its time for some action
I already started plotting my set. ive been working out, slowed down the drinking tremendously and am finding a true balance in life. SAY WHAT?! i know.. it took some events from the cosmic universe but its happening...
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Looking good and best of luck on your table!
Good lufk with the kitchen table... if you need any tips let me know.
So I'm sitting outside in the sunshine waiting for my ride to work. My muffler is falling off my jeep. No worries my rent is due Friday and just spent all the money I had saved at the Philly tattoo convention. I had an amazing time met some rad people, even talked to a few sgs but was star struck and super nervous. So didn't...
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Love the tatts!
right on with the color... I hope that rent is taken care and you can enjoy time in Florida
my sleep pattern is so fucked from the last two days. my body is drained from staying awake for almost 24 hours straight including an epic tattoo sitting. sleeping, running to a train getting tattoed again and back to sleep again. and now ive been wide awake for 3 hours with a crazy headache and cant fall back asleep bc of the 2 tattoos that...
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I hope you get a nap in today.. your art looks so great... hope it heals well
could it be my ideals are true? that if i think positive and live on the right path i want to follow things will fall into place? crazy of an idea?! i took a bath tonight..something i havent done in a while. i love baths. i love stretching out and feelings engulfed in warmth. i dont want to get over excited but im happy.i...
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nice, I love me baths too.. it is a time re4ally for yourself... I hope your Philly plans allow you to get to a museum of some sort
ive learned a few things..1..i like working out and i need to start pushing a little bit..its getting easy..
. tattoo convention is this weekend and its going to be fun. 3. sometimes you need to let people in. they can be calming and reassuring that being yourself is all u can be. its a pretty cool feeling. i need to turn my brain off...
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nice... hope you enjoy the convention
saw the lumineers play philly last night. amazing show was an understatment. ill be a fan for a long time. Im in bed with my legs freaking out because i worked 14 hours and then did legs. i didnt make nearly as much money as i should have either having to drop a 93 dollar tip out. FYI>> if u go out to eat on...
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i hope you get to enjoy yourself for those days off.. try to embrace something new.
oo the irony of life..ok so ive come to the conclusion im going to live a life alone for along time until i fins someone who chases me..ive come to the conclusion a time ago that everything happens for a reason and u may not know that reason at the time buttttt at some point you figure it out. ive figured it out and am...
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it does sound like you have your head on straight and it sounds like you are doing all things right.... you keep drive this course and you'll be fine.... have fun at the aquarium
i just got home from working out and took a long hot shower, ate vegan buffalo nuggets, the grilled kind not the breaded, smoked a bowl, at some HOMEMADE banana peanut butter frozen yogurt, climbed into bed, smoked another bowl and now am listening to dubstep on yoiutube. i wish i had a warm body cuddle to up to right now and id be in...
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I hope you have a great sleep.. and I hope the convention rocks... I challenge you to talk to 5 people you do not know that are patrons of the convention
so i think its time. 6 month in colorado. why? i kinda just want to harvest green during the day. serve a few nights a week and enjoy nature. get away from philly. what the worst? i miss it and move back and be where i started. lately i just feel like i am invisible. people see me but here i do stand up or...
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Do it! Travel broadens your ideas of people. You see the world differently. Everytime I leave its as if I have seen so much and my city is just as stale and stagnant as before, no one has really changed. They are at the same bars, same routine and haven't changed much. You might miss it until you come back and see. I've started to see adventure and mystery and the open road as the fuel to live!!
Or what if.. everything can in fact be whatever dream we want.

lesson learned..when you think you are doing the wrong thing you probably are. tonight i wanted to go to the gym after another epic shift..what did i do? go to the bar thats open late night to say bye to one of the bartenders and see my ex from the summer who was afraid of true commitment who walked away after i waited all summer...
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wow, you've been through a lot.. stay strong
i survived christmas!!
i watched all of the star wars saga and have become a bit of a geek!! i also made a roast wrapped in bacon..amazing!!! i secret santed my neighbor with a bottle of jameson and a dog bone he was completely thrown off guard. and i loved it. i also gifted some people at work some pretty sweet gifts including a one...
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i watched all of the star wars saga and have become a bit of a geek!! i also made a roast wrapped in bacon..amazing!!! i secret santed my neighbor with a bottle of jameson and a dog bone he was completely thrown off guard. and i loved it. i also gifted some people at work some pretty sweet gifts including a one...
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nice... I hope your New Year is just as active and fun.... Have a great New Year
i hate that people don't get it's your job on the line when you ask for ID. it is one of my biggest pet peeves. it's not like you're just asking to fuck with them, you know?! i hope the rest of your tables that night weren't so shitty.
watching the star wars saga on my new blu ray player. i woke up late to a text from my trainer..grrr! i need to buy an alarm clock that rolls away as i snooze. I ran some errands because it was my normal day off. I was shocked the world wasnt complete chaos. after i broke down and cried in the food store after i...
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You enjoy your feet up... I hope you embrace this Christmas as a new start and a rebirth....