I was almost convinced for a minute that you were this girl I know in the city named mandy who dances for WIT, until last night at an SGLA event I met Freyja, who when asked told me you were not a Mandy.
Oh well.
I dig your profile and art nonetheless. write back if you ever fell the urge to have an online homie in the lost angels.
it's my party. on friday. if you are in new york city, get your ass over here and repruhzent. get your free magazine with my art all over that bitch. that's right. come git it!!
this friday, april 4th, 2003
339 e. 10th st (btw. ave. a and b)
7 pm --------
free magazines, hugs
rock n' roll, britpop, and indie all night long... Read More
war makes living in new york pretty fucking scary. as much as i want to not care at all about the car searches and cops checking id's on the subway and walking around with HUGE GUNS, i can't help but be a bit nervous. i wonder if america will ever relax again.
the next issue, which is out april 7th, is mine. the last one was designed by the talented singer of Converge, Jacob Bannon! it's they grey/green one with the face on it. that Jacob sure is talented. mine is under wraps until the release party on aprill thee 4thh.
oh SNAP! my first magazine cover. please if you are nyc come to the party and get your copy with my art on it. it would make my day.
i feel lonesome. bush dropped an enormous bomb during a test run in florida yesterday. my entire family could probably see the big mushroom cloud it made.
i pay more attention to fallout shelter signs now, much like i did to the ones at my church when i was little. they always seemed mencaing to me.