What a day.
When I got into work today, what was the first thing I saw, but the owner of our company sitting at my desk. Yep, I almost turned around and went home right then and there.
(Backstory: I work for a small trucking company that has like 6 terminals in the Southeast, and the owner drives down from Virginia to visit us A LOT cause his pissant son works in our office. The owner is the biggest asshole and most abrasive person I've ever met. He's like a 6-year-old bully or something. You better fucking smile and him and laugh at his jokes or else. He also had a bad habit of slapping you on the back hard enough to leave a mark and telling you you need to lose weight.---never me on the weight thing, or he'd be six feet under by now.) So just seeing his face was enough to shoot my blood pressure through the roof. There's nothing you can do about the asshole either, cause HE OWNS THE COMPANY. He is accountable to no one, and believe me he takes advantage of that fact quite often.
So this asshole is working at my desk, so I have to piddle around and do other shit besides my real job for an hour waiting on him. All I could think was..."this is why you should have quit five years ago." Of course I've only been there five years.
But the main reason I don't like that place is cause of the owner. Of course I only see him like 20 times a year, but that's WAY too much, and I have a moral objection to working for someone that abuses their power like that and treats their employees like absolute crap.
So yeah, today was fun. I got to make a phone call to his assistant to ask her the correct spelling of someone's name, cause he's too damn big a baby to do it himself, and then I got to watch him dance for about five minutes to that Uncle Cracker "Drift Away" song.
Of course that was funny as hell. If you've ever seen the Seinfeld episode where Elaine danced, you get the idea.
Whew. I need some alcohol, stat!

When I got into work today, what was the first thing I saw, but the owner of our company sitting at my desk. Yep, I almost turned around and went home right then and there.
(Backstory: I work for a small trucking company that has like 6 terminals in the Southeast, and the owner drives down from Virginia to visit us A LOT cause his pissant son works in our office. The owner is the biggest asshole and most abrasive person I've ever met. He's like a 6-year-old bully or something. You better fucking smile and him and laugh at his jokes or else. He also had a bad habit of slapping you on the back hard enough to leave a mark and telling you you need to lose weight.---never me on the weight thing, or he'd be six feet under by now.) So just seeing his face was enough to shoot my blood pressure through the roof. There's nothing you can do about the asshole either, cause HE OWNS THE COMPANY. He is accountable to no one, and believe me he takes advantage of that fact quite often.

So this asshole is working at my desk, so I have to piddle around and do other shit besides my real job for an hour waiting on him. All I could think was..."this is why you should have quit five years ago." Of course I've only been there five years.

So yeah, today was fun. I got to make a phone call to his assistant to ask her the correct spelling of someone's name, cause he's too damn big a baby to do it himself, and then I got to watch him dance for about five minutes to that Uncle Cracker "Drift Away" song.

Whew. I need some alcohol, stat!
Yeah, I really hate working someplace where the owner is like this. In fact, sounds like the same guy. He used to come up and grab my stomach and twist and tell me how fat I was. Finally I just started telling him "Well, at least I'm not old and ugly."
Sorry to hear about the asshole.
**Pours Cindy a stiff drink**