Yep, I did Halloween decorations today, then went to Party City to see if there was anything else I wanted. I did come away with a few things but honestly it was just fun to look at everything. Seeing mass-produced rubber severed arms and such just...
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The last four weeks or so have been a busy mess. But things are winding down, and we sense we'll be able to get up there soon. The first shot is on me!

You guys should definetely come check our decorations (not that they're that spectacular or anything) and we'd love to see your graveyard. I will be out of town this weekend, but if you guys want to get together for disc golf or something the weekend of the slumber party, let us know

In other news, Bill Clinton is AWESOME. I just watched the video of him going ballistic on...
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Mmm...sounds like things were very yummy indeed. Especially with those two awesomely toned hotties.

By the way, have you read any of Kelley Armstrong's books in the Women of the Otherworld group? Very well written and follows several strong female leads in their own series's, one a warewolf, one a witch, once a ghost, etc. Well done.
And for a pretty good laugh, Kim Harrison's books following Rachel Morgan. It's kinda like reading Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake stories, but with a much more inept detective.

and nice set of bands yourself, i thought i was the only one in this city that had even heard of motley crue

speaking of favorite bands...
my friend at work has been trying to get me into the cure. he says they are the missing link in my library, but i fear all emo, and from what i know, they pretty much started the damn thing. that being said, im open to new stuff, and he makes them sound THAT good. any suggestions for a first listen? cds or songs? musics 90% of life when you live far away from home, working constantly, and if you're a metal head, I know you wont steer me wrong. thanks

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Not only has my cold gone from mild to nasty, our water heater busted in the night or early in the morning & according to Marksy there was water all over the floor. Now the carpet is wet in places & the floor underneath the water heater is totally soaked through. Yay. So not only am I sick, I can't even...
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I went back to work today--even went in early cause I knew I'd be swamped--and it was even worse than I thought. The girl who was supposed to cover for me did the half-assed job I expected from her...so that was no shocker, but the computers were down for two hours after I came in.

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Enjoy hun!

It's the beginning of a busy weekend for me. Today=work plus wedding rehearsal for my friend's wedding. Then the rehearsal dinner is at a yummy Mexican restaurant. Maybe there will be a margarita in it for me.

Then tomorrow is the wedding. I get to traipse up the aisle in a bridesmaid's dress that is actually quite stunning. Red w/ a long skirt...
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They could still do the pop-up box, but you would have to actually type something instead of just click "I loved it." I don't see why this site should cater to lazy ignoramuses. (ignorami???)
That made me laugh SO hard! It's so true though. I feel that this feature falsely drives up the comment numbers. I agree with you about taking out the "I loved it" part. Hey, great minds think alike.

And then there is the ubiquitous Snakes on a Plane. I love me some SLJ. I think his immortal line from A Time To Kill should be resurrected in this movie: "Yeah they deserved to die! And I hope they burn in...
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But Johny? He is eternal.......
On your previous blog...I too let out a silent cheer when I saw the morning-after pill had been approved for over-the-counter. Makes this country look a wee bit less backwards. I still can't understand the argument that people are afraid for teens to use it because it might encourage promiscuity. WTF? Um...all these stupid teens who are getting knocked up can't even manage to buy condoms, so why would they buy the morning after pill? whatever
those same people who think that, want to restrict the availability of condoms, and the teaching of anything other than abstinence-only sex-ed in schools. which is also bullshit, teens know about sex, teens who will have sex will. with contraception and education at least they won't get AIDS and make babies as often. going to school in an area that taught (optional, with parental permision)sex-ed from 5th grade up to health class in 9th grade, helped me, a lot i think. sure i've made mistakes, or had accidents happen. but because i knew of the resources out there things didn't turn out as bad as they could have. i want to smack every state official who wants to limit these things. in fact i want to get involved in all that stuff on a higher level, you know join protests, sign petitions, all that. i'm already signed up on planned parenthood's site to receive all the petitions they have, but i wanna do more!
As far as your Jake issues, I've never been in a long distance relationship. I couldn't blame you for being gun-shy about dropping everything to live with someone, after your past experience. However, if you're basically talking about moving up there a year from now, I say, if you guys are still together and going strong in a year, then I don't see why it would be a bad idea. (PS--coming from a fellow "private person"--the 2 bedroom thing is a good idea.)
yeah if i don't end up getting a 2bd place with him, i might just get my own place, rent a room somewhere, etc.
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Yeah, the whole Edwards/Earnhardt Jr thing was crazy! Ol' Carl really showed his ass didn't he?
We're almost at mid-week.

It's officially Friday! After I sleep and wake up and go to work again I will be chillin' poolside with some certifiably insane yet quite sexy people, and no doubt consuming alcohol.

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My weekend has been a whirlwind blur of fun and debauchery.
*raises a Sunday night baseball-watching beer*
Here's hoping yours has been the same.

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I'm actually going to buy my tickets now!
And there is nothing wrong with having the Halloween Spirit already...I have that feeling all year round!
I'm right there with you on the Halloween thing. Fall is already my favorite season, and I've always felt that it has such an air of mystery about it. The last couple of weeks in October leading up to Halloween just add to that mystery I feel. I love it! That's cool that you decorate for it. I bet you do an awesome job.
*takes sip of drink* Here's to Fall and Halloween!

Wow, the offer of hotdogs to work on your deck is tempting...mmmm...well, I'll have to see how this one goes.
Hope you're doing well, love. Have a good weekend planned?