I don't get it.... Now i'm having family problems.. or rather they are cause I didn't know about it... Apparently somewhere on the internet I posted nasty stuff about my mother and my family in Virginia. Apparently I said they were nasty to me, they never fed me, and things like that. I just found this out yesterday.. Idk if someone is putting words in...
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That's horrible, always peeps out for drama! Hugs!
Omg.. So bored D: seriously bored :/ i can't wait till I get a car then I can roam around lolol. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. <3
Hope it all worksout!
Things are going well. I went out last weekend.. it was great!!! I got wasted but it was worth it :]
I'm looking for some new friends here if you live near me hit me up. I want to go out clubbing and just explore.. My birthday is this friday and later at night I would LOVE to go out and party.. or just enjoy someone's company.. I still haven't decided to stay full time though.. I'm missing my home really in VA but here there...
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Where in VA?? I grew up there until I was 17 in Hampton =)
SO.. I'm being thrown out today by my aunt.. Family sucks balls I tell you.. I will be moving into a house with no utilities.. somehow i'll make it. i have some blankets and socks to keep me warm. also my friend was nice enough to send me a few bucks for food. idk what's gonna happen with me but i'm happy that you guys...
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Good luck to you, that sounds really scary...
Look forward to your valiant return!

Look forward to your valiant return!
good luck, i wish there was a way to help.
It's wednesday... Fuckin blah blah blllaaaahhhhh!!!! lol
Fuck hump day!
u look absolutly beautifull im sure ya had all the guys drooling n all the girls hating...

sorry you have fighting people in your house. You are looking lovely though. Looove the short hair.

I move into my new place next week
getting furniture for the place is the problem lolol

Hope you have a safe move!
Back on the single market.. might date but nothing serious for a while.. can't handle too much at a time.
sorry to hear, but I wish you look in the dating scene!
So WoW players come together!!!!! At a time like this for me things are starting to look up for me. I met a WoW player on my server who is nice enough to let me be a roommate and not have to pay anything for a little while till i get back on my feet.. I'm so greatful for this. He calls it paying it...
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So.... The fucker broke up with me.. AND what's even more fucked up .. yesterday was my last day at work.. like i even quit my job so i can move in with him.. instead he went back to his second baby momma who cheated on him with his BROTHER.. like really.. so it's whatever.. now im homeless in the next couple of days and...
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i'm so sorry. that is so fucked up. i hope that things work out for you i really really do.
Sorry to hear that happened. Shitty things happen to good people all the time, there's no explanation for it. Hang in there and keep your eyes forward. Hope things get better for you.