Can you be in love with someone and hate them? Can you be slightly self-destructive yourself and despise the woman you love for beinbg incapable of reigning it in. Can love turn into hate as you watch your loved one drunkenly try to commit suicide under the guise of "being cool"? Do you have a right to complain if you were drinking with her when she got that wasted? Is there a level of long-term trust that should superced all intoxication and make your wasted partner listen to you when you say "I never say this, but right now I mean it -- THIS IS WRONG AND VERY DANGEROUS!?
And isn't she more of a bitch if she lays this on you the night your parents come to town?
And isn't she more of a bitch if she lays this on you the night your parents come to town?
and i have cut and the such before, and it's really hard to figure out motivations - even one's own motivations. so i have a hard time thinking she's a bitch.. but of course, i don't know the situation. but to the original question, i do think that you can love and hate someone at once.
Shit, I *hate* it when that happens!