yeah so i went to brunch and met all the SGCO people that showed up and it was pretty cool, except for the foot race blocking off 6th ave and some curly haired fuck in a new jetta talking shit outside the restaurant beforehand. (eh, what are you gunna do?, assholes will be assholes). but for serious, i had a good time and met some new people so im definately going to try and start going to events as much as possible. i think its going to snow soon, i can feel it. i want to make this huge crazy snow man scene. one time when i was going to school in golden these kids had made a car wreck scene out of snow and it was so cool, there was a smashed pedestrian and stricken onlookers standing next to a snow car. anybody got any ideas? oh yeah, im gettin a little ink put in tomarrow, so ill have to try and put up some pictures. and because everyone has been confused as fuck about my screenname, its two parts, simulcara means a copy without an original, and the RT really is aRT. my rationale at the time was because everything i see influences and crosses over with everything else ive seen, my art becomes this horrible juxtaposition of influences but with nothing else like it, hence a copy without an original. im a fuckin geek, i know...
it was nice meeting you on Sunday! and definitly put up pics of the new ink. and with the explanation of the SN I think its really cool.