I've been going to parties and gatherings lately, doing wonders for the old self-esteem.

Met a beautiful girl twice now, flirted and kissed, talked in predawn hours until the sky turned gray in the moment before sunrise.

Having a good weekend.
So life moves on. I'm still applying for paying photo jobs, but have made some progress on my life in general, feeling happier overall. Good weather sure helps.

I wish you well with the photo work. Thanks for the comment on my set, and for making me one of your favorites. blush
And teh update is: "friends with priviledges" actually means "friends who snuggle occasionally in a thoroughly confusing way".

Boy, do I know how to pick 'em.

blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed whatever

I'll mend, but am feeling sad today. Ergo I am going to a party with some people I barely know. Maybe that'll help. Either that or it'll make the sulking that much worse. I'll try to be cheerful.
Girls suck. Sorry frown


Happy Birthday!
Thanks! So far it's a good one. Had a good small party last night, merriment, brownies and scrabble until 4AM. And decent whiskey.

So life's still messed up, but good for today.
I am so goddamned confused right now. I'm kinda dating my neighbor, who is a great, cute and interesing girl. But she wants to be "friends with priviledges". Not sure quite what that means to her, and this whole arrangement has only been going on for about a week. In that week, no sex in the last four days, although I've made overtures and there...
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Well, I'm back in the Bay Area, haven't posted in a while. School was amazing, I'm facing some post-school self doubt and doldrums as I look for non-soul-destroying work. Also doesn't help that my tendonitis/carpaltunnel/miscellaneous arm and hand pain is back with a vengeance.

On a lighter note, I've got a photo exhibit up in a San Francisco coffeeshop called Java on Ocean. Documentary and...
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Today is my last day of work.

Then it's off to Portland, Oregon, for a week or so, then off to Portland Maine, via New Mexico and North Carolina to see good friends.

However today shakes out, things are moving forward.

smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
yeay for your last day of work. i guess you figured out a way to quit.

Andain said:
Fantabulous member name wink

Completely agree biggrin

"Eta Kooram Nah Smech!"

Well, much confusion still about what I'm doing with my life. I'm applying to the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies for this fall, hoping I get in as there are a couple of spots left. After that, probably straight to grad school either here in SF Bay Area or in Boston.

Gotta use up IRA money to do this, though. Scary; I've got to consider...
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It looks like I'm moving cross country and going to grad school. I'm not quite sure which school or program yet, but I've got a place picked out and a place to stay for a few months. My life has been very unsatisfuying lately and I've let myself stay stuck in a rut, hanging onto a job that drives me insane. I'm tired of...
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Saw the Big Damn Movie last night! It is fucking great, man. smile
Always room for Firefly fans, good luck with moving cross country. Being scared before means your doing something good/different with your life. smile
Well, no takers so far on the Serenity ticket. Ah well, I guess I'll just go with the old friend who couldn't care less...


Any takers? Going once, going twice...
Lucky bastard! I didn't find out that they were doing a sneak preview until too late. I knew I should've signed up as a browncoat on the Serenity site. smile
give REVIEW ( no spoiler onethought please )
Serenity on Thursday

Hi folks.

I managed to get my hands on a couple of tickets to Serenity on Thursday night. I'm looking to go with a reasonably dollsome/personable young woman of the browncoat persuasion. It's the showing near Sacramento, CA so a little drive time is required from my office in Albany. Ergo, a little time to fill with conversation and general small talk,...
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