Why do I feel like when I reach out to touch the world it bites me?
Why do I lick my wounds just to have them bleed again?
Is my heart made whole just to break?
Am I to die fighting the urge to jump off that cliff, just to have someone push me?
Why am I never good enough?
Why am I having to... Read More
UPDATE: So I got my hair cut today! Its short and has blondish highlights with red and dark brown! Its really cool! the pic I posted doesn't even come close to seeing all the colors! It feels good to have my hair short again! Yay!
So um, yeah!
Yesterday I watched episodes 9-22 of prison break! I absolutely LOVE that show! I can't get enough... Read More
So yeah, I am addicted to Barlowgirl! But I don't care! I LOVE them...no...wait....heart them....don't want to leave the wrong impression!
Ok, so I have been having this dream.
I go to an arcade bar (um, well, its like this bar that serves alcohol, but you play pool and video games all nite, it is kind of an 80s theme with pac man and space... Read More
I would do anything I could to help destroy the ones who hurt you. Your friends and family do love you.
I have this thing where I really hate any picture of me that exists, so I don't post very many. It's not something I plan on getting over anytime soon.
Very nicely put, you're very articulate in your writing. And I think you're spot-on. I wish everybody could think and feel that way, it would make the world a better place. I really wish I could feel that way. I'm jealous. But I'm working towards it.
we're all guilty of something in life - our gender doesn't decide that. the true measure of strength is getting back up again and taking chances, keeping in mind the things you've learned and putting aside the fears and insecurities when diving in to something new, or giving something old another chance. it's not something anyone does easily. letting go of pain and letting up your guard is the absolute hardest thing to do.
that doesn't mean, however, that you should put up with any measure of emotional, mental, or physical abuse because you're hoping that everything will wind up right. it is never worth it, and never will be.
on a lighter note, i'm glad you like odette's name. most people think it's weird. but they just don't know odette well enough to see how very well she carries her name.
nerds are ok, but they'll never be able to put a shelf up. They would however be able to tell you the exact amount of weight the sehlf can hold depedning on wall density and fittings used
I think I ate too much junk food, watched too much TV (Spirited Away, Return of the King, and a few rather silly sitcoms), bought too many Batman comics and I want to call in sick tomorrow
I predict a migrane that will incapacitate me for two days! hmmmm.....I didn't know I could tell the future.....
I agree - a lot of people who say they're open-minded are usually the people with beliefs set in stone.
They think they're open-minded, usually because they think their opinion is out of the ordinary. What they really mean is that they think everyone else is close-minded.
Sorry you've been having trouble with close-minded people.
I see people everyday just hanging out on their porches or at the swimming pool and thoughts cross my mind: what are their lives like? Is it easier, harder, or the same as mine? Do people really hurt this much all the time? Is there any relief from the pain? Is life just pain and moments of peace the exception? Who are we? What are... Read More
I dreamt I was running as fast as the wind. I kept looking behind me thinking that the person I was running from was following and would catch me. But I didn't want to be caught. I wanted to run forever.
Then fear set in and I was afraid I would never be caught. I was afraind I would carry on forever running and people... Read More
Thank you for the birthday wishes and the thin I doscovered is once you get over 26 then birthdays don't really mean a lot anymore. Just an excuse to have a day off work
"The Power Of Orange Knickers"
(feat. Damien Rice)
The power of orange knickers
The power of orange knickers
The power of orange knickers
Under my petticoat
The power of listening to what
You don't want me to know
Can somebody tell me now who is this terrorist
Those girls that smile kindly then rip your life to pieces?
Can somebody tell me now am I... Read More
In my head I have this filter. Its a truth filter.
Not a filter like an air filter, but an orb of bright energy that filters my thoughts and sorts them into truth, imagination and everything else.
Its really interesting because I have slowly built this armor of ideas, books, thoughts, writing, art, and words that protect me from all the things that could hurt... Read More