After QXT's on Saturday and avoiding most of the SG'ers to prevent them from getting my yearly supersickness I went to the Loop Lounge for the 20th anniversary party. Ok let me cover the supersickness thing first. In the past 10 years I have taken 1 aspirin and absolutely nothing else in terms of medication. I let my body do all the work on it's own, which keeps my immune system healthy and not lazy. I get sniffles once a year, typically when the temperature gets all crazy, 22 one day 55 the next, like it has been recently. Last year I didn't get sick at all, and over time I have come to realize what hits me for 3 days, whomps you anitbiotic abusers for 1 to 3 weeks, and it hits you hard lol. If I was mean I'd have talked to you excessively and acted the plaguebearer.
Ok, back to our regular scheduled story...
When I was at the Loop lounge I saw someone I haven't seen for a long time and it reminded me of karma. This girl was dating one of my best friends for a long time and she was super manipulative and a general dirty bastard, this wasn't readily known until the end, but karma kicked in early. At one point I had a 1984 Pontiac Firebird with T-tops lol, this car was the most stickered vehicle I had ever owned, and was indestructible to boot. I sold that car to Lena for maybe 500$. The car had a personality all it's own, and it hated her. I get a call one morning and Lena was livid, the car wouldn't start, she missed work and was written up. After work I stop by with Maurice (her bf) and I ask her to start the car. Whirr whirr, no start. Odd, I get in brrrrm, starts. Ask her to try again, Whirr whirr, no start. I try again, brrrrm. Ok Maurice, you try Brrrrm. Lena try again, Whirr whirr, no start. Karma. It got worse, the indestructibe car committed suicide 2 days later and completely blew the engine. Karma double take. What she did to deserve this minor karma backlash is too in depth to go into here, ask me in person lol.
Karma has a funny way of working around me, if I'm bored I can enact bad karma or just plain clutzyness on others, it happens without me thinking about it. I'll be staring off into space, I'll turn and look at someone for no reason and they trip, or drop something. I wasn't the first to notice this, Becky did and her response was "Dude stop, what did they do to you?". I could be mere coincidence but with the amount of luck I get, the bad luck must be going somewhere else.
Another example, hit my car, be an ass and lose your glasses. (older journal entry for explanation)
Another example, some older guy honked at me for no reason while I was annoyed one day, I honk back, and he crashes into 3 parked cars lol. Yes, I went around the block, slowed down and honked at him again.
Negative karma has a funny way of acting around me, and typically it really hurts those it affects, or it makes me nearly pee myself laughing, sometimes both. I wonder if the little grey man is involved? Where is he now anyway? Been ages since I felt his presence.
What bad karma is up next?

When I was at the Loop lounge I saw someone I haven't seen for a long time and it reminded me of karma. This girl was dating one of my best friends for a long time and she was super manipulative and a general dirty bastard, this wasn't readily known until the end, but karma kicked in early. At one point I had a 1984 Pontiac Firebird with T-tops lol, this car was the most stickered vehicle I had ever owned, and was indestructible to boot. I sold that car to Lena for maybe 500$. The car had a personality all it's own, and it hated her. I get a call one morning and Lena was livid, the car wouldn't start, she missed work and was written up. After work I stop by with Maurice (her bf) and I ask her to start the car. Whirr whirr, no start. Odd, I get in brrrrm, starts. Ask her to try again, Whirr whirr, no start. I try again, brrrrm. Ok Maurice, you try Brrrrm. Lena try again, Whirr whirr, no start. Karma. It got worse, the indestructibe car committed suicide 2 days later and completely blew the engine. Karma double take. What she did to deserve this minor karma backlash is too in depth to go into here, ask me in person lol.
Karma has a funny way of working around me, if I'm bored I can enact bad karma or just plain clutzyness on others, it happens without me thinking about it. I'll be staring off into space, I'll turn and look at someone for no reason and they trip, or drop something. I wasn't the first to notice this, Becky did and her response was "Dude stop, what did they do to you?". I could be mere coincidence but with the amount of luck I get, the bad luck must be going somewhere else.
Another example, hit my car, be an ass and lose your glasses. (older journal entry for explanation)
Another example, some older guy honked at me for no reason while I was annoyed one day, I honk back, and he crashes into 3 parked cars lol. Yes, I went around the block, slowed down and honked at him again.
Negative karma has a funny way of acting around me, and typically it really hurts those it affects, or it makes me nearly pee myself laughing, sometimes both. I wonder if the little grey man is involved? Where is he now anyway? Been ages since I felt his presence.
What bad karma is up next?

like i said..we dont have it as bad as some..but i don't think we're going the exterminator route
it can cost thousands
adn they still will come back
so forget that
we have some ideas in mind and i'm going to try to talk to my super and see if there's anythign he can do
oh yeah and that's not an actual size photo, silly