I am angry at something I have no right to be angry about. A friend of mine, who is also mutual friends with my ex, offhandedly told me that she had talked to my ex. Said ex told her that she was interested in some guy she met. And for some reason I got mad. I have no right to be.
Perhaps I got mad because its been hard for me to keep a straight head the last three weeks. I quit smoking, I cut down on meat consumption, I quit drinking, I've had to deal with bullshit from my landlord, and now there is mold all up in my ceiling plotting out horrible mold schemes of world and lung domination. Bastards.
Irregardless, I got angry which is not benificial and good. Angry that she found some one new. C'est la vie should be the motto here. Life goes on, the world will not end because of this. I should hold fast and stay gold.
I found a place to squat should this eviction situation come to that. Its way out of town, but it should suffice till I can find somewhere new should this situation with my landlord get worse. Initially I just needed them to fix the ceiling, now all this mold needs to be removed and they won't do it. I guess I need to go to the health department and get them off their asses.
More continuing coverage from me to no one about the Ward Churchill fiasco. The University of Colorado apologized to the USA today because Churchill 'compared "technocrats" working in the World Trade Center to notorious Nazi bureaucrat Adolf Eichmann and said the United States invited the terrorist attacks through a long history of violent domination of other cultures.'
Here is a large brick of the controversy that has been sailing towards Churchill's head. My opinion: The 'Eichmann' comment is a little over the top. But, we have invited terrorism due to our foreign policy. We bomb civilians. We've bombed weddings. We drop food along with the bombs to make ourselves feel better. We levy crippling sanctions on countries that we have devestated economically and/or physically that leave thousands of innocent people starving and dying. We have funded and trained terrorists and autocrats, then removed our backing when they didn't fit policy any longer and in many cases turned a blind eye to them as well. We support Israel, who's very declaration of statehood flaunted UN law. We dropped out of the international courts so we are not subject to international law, yet we make sure all our 'enemies' are tried as war criminals - i.e. Slobadan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein to name two. Now, both of these men are not good humans in the slightest, but putting them on trial for war crimes while we go out and comment them ourselves is a big big Greek word beginning with H that everyone should know. This and a list of other things have caused the world to hate us. And in many cases, hate us enough to attack us. Which is what Mr. Churchill was getting at. Apparently, stating something which is obvious to the world is illegal here. Yes, the world banded together and offered their condolences for the 9/11 attacks but at the same time the world is not pleased with us, not has it been pleased with us for a long time. Ever since we donned the cowboy hat, polished the six shooters, put on the sheriffs badge and chaps and spurs and went hogwild in a little saloon we call Earth. Cowboy mentality, sheriff mentality, or call it what you want. Its our foreign policy and the document should start with a fucking 'Yee-haw' and end with the word of Bruce Willis in Die Hard, 'Yippee-ki-yea Motherfucker(s)'. Welcome to American Foreign Policy, all citizens would be advised to keep their arms and legs inside at all times as the ride could get bumpy - and also, we have bullet proof vests and gas masks under the seats should any form of turbulance be encountered. Please remember also, one cannot spell foreign with out REIGN.
In other news, two protesting supporters of Ward Churchill were arrested. One needed to be subdued and apparently almost knocked over a police officer. Nothing was said of what condition this supporter was in, but the officer was okay after nearly falling. I'm imagining a few punches were thrown the supporter's way as a multi-cop pile-up does not go under the heading of Pleasurable Experiences.
It is sad, his supposedly educated colleges do not see fit to defend him outside of his right to free speech. I wonder if they have even bothered to read the article, or does the biased, ignorant press count as Cliff Notes these days? Maybe it's a good thing education was cut back, as our educators don't seem to learning themselves; only regurgitating - on the whole that is, I know every prof isn't a fuckhead. That's the technical term right? Fuckhead?
Perhaps that is also why I am angry?
For a change of pace from the personal and political, my current listening list:
Drive Like Jehu
National Acrobat
Black Cross/Black Widows
Breather Resist
Young Pioneers
Born Against
Number Twelve Looks Like You
Encyclopedia of American Traitors
The State Secedes
Perhaps I got mad because its been hard for me to keep a straight head the last three weeks. I quit smoking, I cut down on meat consumption, I quit drinking, I've had to deal with bullshit from my landlord, and now there is mold all up in my ceiling plotting out horrible mold schemes of world and lung domination. Bastards.
Irregardless, I got angry which is not benificial and good. Angry that she found some one new. C'est la vie should be the motto here. Life goes on, the world will not end because of this. I should hold fast and stay gold.
I found a place to squat should this eviction situation come to that. Its way out of town, but it should suffice till I can find somewhere new should this situation with my landlord get worse. Initially I just needed them to fix the ceiling, now all this mold needs to be removed and they won't do it. I guess I need to go to the health department and get them off their asses.
More continuing coverage from me to no one about the Ward Churchill fiasco. The University of Colorado apologized to the USA today because Churchill 'compared "technocrats" working in the World Trade Center to notorious Nazi bureaucrat Adolf Eichmann and said the United States invited the terrorist attacks through a long history of violent domination of other cultures.'
Here is a large brick of the controversy that has been sailing towards Churchill's head. My opinion: The 'Eichmann' comment is a little over the top. But, we have invited terrorism due to our foreign policy. We bomb civilians. We've bombed weddings. We drop food along with the bombs to make ourselves feel better. We levy crippling sanctions on countries that we have devestated economically and/or physically that leave thousands of innocent people starving and dying. We have funded and trained terrorists and autocrats, then removed our backing when they didn't fit policy any longer and in many cases turned a blind eye to them as well. We support Israel, who's very declaration of statehood flaunted UN law. We dropped out of the international courts so we are not subject to international law, yet we make sure all our 'enemies' are tried as war criminals - i.e. Slobadan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein to name two. Now, both of these men are not good humans in the slightest, but putting them on trial for war crimes while we go out and comment them ourselves is a big big Greek word beginning with H that everyone should know. This and a list of other things have caused the world to hate us. And in many cases, hate us enough to attack us. Which is what Mr. Churchill was getting at. Apparently, stating something which is obvious to the world is illegal here. Yes, the world banded together and offered their condolences for the 9/11 attacks but at the same time the world is not pleased with us, not has it been pleased with us for a long time. Ever since we donned the cowboy hat, polished the six shooters, put on the sheriffs badge and chaps and spurs and went hogwild in a little saloon we call Earth. Cowboy mentality, sheriff mentality, or call it what you want. Its our foreign policy and the document should start with a fucking 'Yee-haw' and end with the word of Bruce Willis in Die Hard, 'Yippee-ki-yea Motherfucker(s)'. Welcome to American Foreign Policy, all citizens would be advised to keep their arms and legs inside at all times as the ride could get bumpy - and also, we have bullet proof vests and gas masks under the seats should any form of turbulance be encountered. Please remember also, one cannot spell foreign with out REIGN.
In other news, two protesting supporters of Ward Churchill were arrested. One needed to be subdued and apparently almost knocked over a police officer. Nothing was said of what condition this supporter was in, but the officer was okay after nearly falling. I'm imagining a few punches were thrown the supporter's way as a multi-cop pile-up does not go under the heading of Pleasurable Experiences.
It is sad, his supposedly educated colleges do not see fit to defend him outside of his right to free speech. I wonder if they have even bothered to read the article, or does the biased, ignorant press count as Cliff Notes these days? Maybe it's a good thing education was cut back, as our educators don't seem to learning themselves; only regurgitating - on the whole that is, I know every prof isn't a fuckhead. That's the technical term right? Fuckhead?
Perhaps that is also why I am angry?
For a change of pace from the personal and political, my current listening list:
Drive Like Jehu
National Acrobat
Black Cross/Black Widows
Breather Resist
Young Pioneers
Born Against
Number Twelve Looks Like You
Encyclopedia of American Traitors
The State Secedes