This has been a long week
Over the weekend, my band RV, opened up for a show at our drummer's house. It was a good set for the most part, we had heathen torchbearers and some of our friends went nuts throwing firecrackers. Only difficulty for us was that our wires were ghetto rigged and got knocked out, so we lost half the crowd while we rewired everything.
The band that played after us, who shall remain nameless, brought a bunch of their friends with them. This is a cool thing, but it is not a cool thing with a large chunk of those friends are Aryan Nation Skinheads. These dudes kept picking fights with everyone, standing outside and sieg heiling and generally being a nuisance. Also, these fuckers were heavily roided out. We calmed down all the fights till the third band played, and then shit hit the fan during their set.
These kids decided to jump my buddy, then turn it into a mass brawl/mini scale riot. The third bands' drum set was ruined in a hearbeat and then these skinhead kids started going for blood, choking people, breaking bottles, tossing dudes to the ground and stomping their heads. Then one of the skinheads got stabbed by his victim, in the heart. The riot turned into a stampede and to turn a long story short. A few of us got to sit around all night talking to the cops, then I took my buddy to the ER for stiches in his lip and we sat their for four hours. Our drummer got on the news and was evicted. The headliner never got to play, and a several thousand dollar drum kit was dismembered. As my bud mike would put it, brutal fetus.
Yay for fucking Nazi Skinheads. I just wish they could learn to have fun to, instead of ruining it for everyone else. I hope the dude that got stabbed learned his lesson. I mean, he is 31 one years old and still talking the Nazi line. What's he playing at?
Other than that, papers suck for the most part.
Over the weekend, my band RV, opened up for a show at our drummer's house. It was a good set for the most part, we had heathen torchbearers and some of our friends went nuts throwing firecrackers. Only difficulty for us was that our wires were ghetto rigged and got knocked out, so we lost half the crowd while we rewired everything.
The band that played after us, who shall remain nameless, brought a bunch of their friends with them. This is a cool thing, but it is not a cool thing with a large chunk of those friends are Aryan Nation Skinheads. These dudes kept picking fights with everyone, standing outside and sieg heiling and generally being a nuisance. Also, these fuckers were heavily roided out. We calmed down all the fights till the third band played, and then shit hit the fan during their set.
These kids decided to jump my buddy, then turn it into a mass brawl/mini scale riot. The third bands' drum set was ruined in a hearbeat and then these skinhead kids started going for blood, choking people, breaking bottles, tossing dudes to the ground and stomping their heads. Then one of the skinheads got stabbed by his victim, in the heart. The riot turned into a stampede and to turn a long story short. A few of us got to sit around all night talking to the cops, then I took my buddy to the ER for stiches in his lip and we sat their for four hours. Our drummer got on the news and was evicted. The headliner never got to play, and a several thousand dollar drum kit was dismembered. As my bud mike would put it, brutal fetus.
Yay for fucking Nazi Skinheads. I just wish they could learn to have fun to, instead of ruining it for everyone else. I hope the dude that got stabbed learned his lesson. I mean, he is 31 one years old and still talking the Nazi line. What's he playing at?
Other than that, papers suck for the most part.
as soon as i get into my new place, i will send you some. my aunt says i make the best.