I'm back for all those of you who don't read this. Some cheers?
In other news, I will be updating sporadically as I am writing a paper on Borgesian fiction, specifically the interconnections between the all the stories contained within the collection The Garden of Forking Paths. Its fun, insightful, forces me to up my level of learning and understanding, and is tedious as all hell.
Also, my band is doing somewhat good. We have two shows coming up. One in Denver and one in our homebase of Greeley (aka Stinktown). Both will be nice tests of insanity.
I have been listening to two bands, a lot more, recently since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita wrecked my home state. Said bands: Deadboy and the Elephantman and Agents of Oblivion both are stupendous works of Southern Louisiana Gloomy Pop/Southern Rock by the frontman of Acid Bath, Dax Riggs. Its really potent music and leaves my heart aching for home. But for now, I have be like a shark and keep moving. I'm looking to head out to San Francisco/Berkley/Portland/Eugene/Seattle/Tacoma/Vancouver this summer to check out digs over there before eventually flying off to Reykjavik in 2008/9.
On occasian though, I have to find solace in Spiritual Front and Of the Wand and the Moon. I have a soft spot for violins and pianos.
Of this foul, bitter fruit
we bit off more than we could chew
and we went to the dance
with our bellies full
of rotten fruit and the preacher's spew
further more:
'He's here! He's here!' they cried like a bridesmaid to the room as the hero walked to the scaffold and his doom.
Also, I have added new pics...
In other news, I will be updating sporadically as I am writing a paper on Borgesian fiction, specifically the interconnections between the all the stories contained within the collection The Garden of Forking Paths. Its fun, insightful, forces me to up my level of learning and understanding, and is tedious as all hell.
Also, my band is doing somewhat good. We have two shows coming up. One in Denver and one in our homebase of Greeley (aka Stinktown). Both will be nice tests of insanity.
I have been listening to two bands, a lot more, recently since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita wrecked my home state. Said bands: Deadboy and the Elephantman and Agents of Oblivion both are stupendous works of Southern Louisiana Gloomy Pop/Southern Rock by the frontman of Acid Bath, Dax Riggs. Its really potent music and leaves my heart aching for home. But for now, I have be like a shark and keep moving. I'm looking to head out to San Francisco/Berkley/Portland/Eugene/Seattle/Tacoma/Vancouver this summer to check out digs over there before eventually flying off to Reykjavik in 2008/9.
On occasian though, I have to find solace in Spiritual Front and Of the Wand and the Moon. I have a soft spot for violins and pianos.
Of this foul, bitter fruit
we bit off more than we could chew
and we went to the dance
with our bellies full
of rotten fruit and the preacher's spew
further more:
'He's here! He's here!' they cried like a bridesmaid to the room as the hero walked to the scaffold and his doom.
Also, I have added new pics...
"he's here! he's here!"

i'm glad you enjoyed my set so much! thank you for the very nice comment you left on it. i will do another one soon i promise!