David's Monday adventure(as of 2:17 PM):

A visit to Surplus City. All that military junk is starting to become cool to me again. I bought a belt. Civilian belts just don't do it for me.

A visit to a Subway that charged me almost seven dollars for my sandwhich. Too much!!! I should have went to Macalister's. There's a new one at Kansas and Kearney....
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Hello, Mr. Pig Pirate... whatever that is.

I used to prank call my friends. That's fun. It's so hard to not laugh.

I love Surplus City. If I had money I'd really love it.

I am impressed that you remember a potato from two years ago. More amused than impressed.

Poisonous four-eyed hummingbird? I would like to see that... from a distance. smile
"I'm so sorry. I ate a bunch of mushrooms and drank a bottle of wine," said the girl who fell on me. It was at the bar. Silly hippy.

Woke up in a foul mood today. I have had only one good night's sleep in the past three weeks. That was due to sweet, sweet melatonin. It's wierd. I sleep at night, but it's only...
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Wow... It really does suck living with someone who makes you miserable doesn't it? Not that I would know anything about that.

I had considered moving to StL but my crazy girlfriend lives there. She has this "I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan." kinda vibe. Maybe I'll introduce you. hehe

My altered states sound more like, "I have found no cows in the butter pan." I wrote that down for some reason. I find music I have written that I don't remember writing. That's always fun.

Thanks for the compliments on my profile pic. I think you made me blush a little. I might post some more of those soon. blush

Also, thanks for the sort of compliment on the overbite. I'm sorry you didn't get one. You're so funny.
Here's the whole thing since you liked it so well. I hope it is as hypnotic in the large. I think my furniture far outshines me. biggrin

Hey springfield people! Check this out.

shit bags of greene county

Fucking creepy. I went to school with a couple them. Some of these people are actually smiling in their mugshots. Look at the crimes committed. Rape, abuse of child, sexual misconduct...how are they out of jail? Seems like this sort of thing would land someone a life sentence. Nope, they're just down the street....
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I've seen that list before. Nice to know they have mug shots now though.

One of those fuckers lived right across the street from us, and was a complete shitbag, from the day we moved in, till the cops busted his drug dealing earlier this year. The idiot who lives there, was letting him and his circus of crap live there.

Seeing a picture of him makes me think mean bad thoughts. Plus I live in a neighborhood of a lot of kids, and the guy was a convicted rapist.

Makes me sick.....
"People are so goddamned touchy feely at dance, hippy, jam band shows!!! I vomit on them and their germ infested hands"

hahahah, that's awesome. tongue tongue
The robin in my profile pic is dead.

Someone said I have strange mannerisms. They want to study me and put them in a book. I told them 'ok', but secretly thought 'fuck off'.

I love routine. I love structure. I love free time. However, too much of any those things is capable of killing.

Do you hear the ciccadas? Is that what they are...
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Hmmm... What kind of girlfriend is Ashley looking for? An actual steady, or just someone to got to parties and make out with? Cuz... I could probably hook her up with the latter. biggrin

I haven't made my bed in MONTHS.

Yeah... those are cicadas. One of those got in my house the other day. I caught it and let it go. It was so pretty. I love them. Acually, I just hear crickets right now. Oh wait... I hear cicadas too.

Being told you're strange in any fashion in this town is a good thing.

That bird is dead??? Awesome!!! That's so Ricky Fitz of you. Yay!

Yes... I think pussy diving would be a blast, but not in Tijuana. Kinda dirty there.

I haven't seen Desperate Living. If it doesn't come on TV I don't see it. I'll have to search for it.
I actually do hear the ciccadas right now, at this very moment. You know sometimes when you're outside and all of a sudden they start blaring like some kind of strange insect choir and it takes over the entire air and you feel like you couldn't hear the person next to you if they said something. that's missouri summer.

I swear you are everywhere I go. or am i just at the outland that much?
The White Stripes concert was incredible! One of the best shows I've seen in a very long time. The show was at the Fox Theater in St. Louis. This was my first time going to the Fox and was very impressed by it. Unfortunately I have no pics to post because I thought cameras would not be allowed. Poo on me.

Next big concert: Nine...
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glad you had fun at the white stripes.

and being able to see them twice at two different points in your life and two different points in their career should prove to be interesting.
Fuck. I have to move again. The new apartment has severe plumbing problems. The storm from the other day caused a small flood in my roommate's bedroom. This sucks. We have to move next door. Been at the place only a week and it's already time to move again. My roommate seems to be really stressed out about it. That's life I tell him. Oh...
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Holy damn... that sux! I hate moving. I'd really hate having to move to an identical place, next door.

Yay! Playing music is fun!!!

The white stripes are awesome.

And YES... I so wish I had a replicator. I'd be ordering up things a bit better than tea, though.

I like your robin.
Vacation has finally arrived! Been partying hard the last three days. I am taking sunday off to give my body a much needed rest. Last night was absolutley insane! I went to the bar with roommate and some friends. We met up with more people at the bar. So it all turned into this giant cluster of drunken madness. Everything was cool until some guy...
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I am without internet at the new apartment. This should last for about a month. Ugh. It's killing me. So I must do all my interneting downtown in the wi-fi spots. I guess things could be worse.

The new apartment is great. I fucking love it. Huge. Comfortable. It feels wierd to live in a place so nice.

I had tunnel vision earlier. Scary. Dehydraytion.

I'm going to the Acid tunnels sometime soon. I'm also on a quest to see a jellyfish. I think I'll wait until the weather drops about twenty degrees.

This weather is unbearable. I usually don't bitch about the weather, but I'm going to start bitching about now. This heat sucks!

Sugar Ray(Mark Mcgrath) is on Carson Daly. Ha...
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Yes the overly appressive heat and evil sun are in cohoots to irk and irritate one and all.

And dogs are good...even the stupid ones who run into walls because they can. biggrin

that's what I find myself thinking when I walk home from work, I always find myself in a strange haze, almost lost if I didn't know the way so well in the mid-afternoon heat, can't wait til september

mark mcgrath, what a fucking tool
So I'm watching a documentary on Kerouac, one of my heroes since my mid teens. it shows a television interview of him in the last year of his life. Man, what a sad, depressing sight. Drunk, old, gone... He was in his mid forties when he died. Fucking wasted. I was all set for a cool movie on kerouac, but it just focused on how...
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Yipe...it does sound as if your life is rather farrago after all. Maybe you should get a dog. smile They love you forever and sleep on your feet forcing you into an ackward and uncomfortable contortions...okay...maybe nix the dog. *L*

Sorry...I'm being random.. I apologize.