when is it ok to admit defeat? fuck that, my head is bloodied but unbowed

everything is so fucked up right now. all i can do is laugh.

it can get much worse. actually it isn't that bad. oh, turtle, would you like to swap bodies for a few years?

the past week was weird. weird to me.

the coffee maker quit working. fuck.

Going invisible. May come back at another time under different name but I doubt it. I will miss all you guys.

I am going to spend the day watching movies and reading. and eating. and doing some laundry. and cleaning the apt. play some geetar. I will also pretend I'm a Cheetah.

Breaking Bonduce is hilarious. Watch it. I've known so many people like him.

I here Traffic is the place to be on Friday nights.

I got a funny tingling sensation in my face. Right...
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Sometimes I meow at my cats, is that the same as pretending like I am a cat?

Traffic-aint nothin but a gangsta partay!! with a melee of 400 people and a swat team, woot woot!
Glad I could set you off ballance.

I used to pretend I was a cheetah. I'm so not fast though. Now I just pretend I am a ballerina or a Charlie's Angel. I'm not any better at either of those things than I am at being fast so... maybe the cheetah should make a return.

Tingling in the face. Doesn't sound good.

I know I tell you this all the time but you are so funny.

The bands were great. Unfortunately, I had a terrible seat. Behind the bands. I hate big stadium concerts. I wanted my money back.

Check out Autolux.

I despise QOTSA lead singer, but his band makes good music.

Mr. Reznor is a rock star.

the most exiting part of the day was trying to stay awake on the drive back.

the stars were out. Pleasant.

Name: Sean Connery
Location: Coffee shop
Activity: Blogging and drinking coffee
Plans: In a few more hours, I'll be on the road to STL.
Shirt: Plaid purple and black button up. Favorite.
Thoughts: Remember to put coolant in the car. Be frugal during the trip. Leave early. Stop along the way and look around.
Movies to watch: Broken Flowers, Waiting, Corpse's Bride, etc
Weather: Sunny...
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fixed the seat belt--160 bucks. if i ever catch the slugs who broke out my window...

i am in my mother's kitchen right now. she is talking to my brother about his job. he works two jobs, seven days a week. i think that's what I'll be doing in january.

the american dream is slowly coming true
I couldn't live without love. It makes my life hell but I can't help but do it. I am a masochist anyway so it all works out.


I'm getting a job. Hope so anyway. Waiting for the piss test. *fingers crossed*

Bummer 'bout your window... and the slugs. They usually leave a trail.

Sunday morning. Ouch, I feel like mashed potatos. surreal
Mashed potatoes are good.

My husband has almost convinced me that I was abducted by aliens when I was a kid. It rather makes sense when all the pieces are put together... and explains a few things... sorta...
I went tear-assin' through the country the other day. Searching for locations. It appears I will have to do a little trespassing. I went to the town I grew up in and was suprised by how much has changed there. The town has a Subway, the roads are paved, street signs, fences, fences, and more fences.

Oh, a UFO came down and abducted me. The...
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I know this is an older entry, but I really enjoyed it. I liked the comment "Isn't it strange how the smallest decisions have the largest impact on our lives?". It's so true, even the slightest decisions have their effects.

Also, you have greeaaaaatttt!!!!! (okay, I kinda feel a little tony the tiger in that) movie taste. Huge fan of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And I'm an even bigger fan of Eraserhead. So, are you a Lynch head also??

I think I may have seen you at the Shackshakers but I wasn' t sure. I'm also kinda shy, in a weird way, I guess.

Thanks for the recent comment. I'm glad i'm doing better. I used to bitch about paying insurance, and now I know why I pay it.

Lastly, drunks suck. I'm sorry about your roommate being such a drunk, that sucks.

Take care.
Another entry! I just finished the script. I decided to scrap the script I worked on during the summer. I finished that one a couple of weeks ago. As soon as I was done, I read back over it and thought, "Man, what a piece of shit." Three months was spent working on that thing. It's not total crap. There are parts that can and...
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Hope everything goes well with finding people for your movie, and you are very right about there being a lot of dreamers in springshit-all talk, nothing ever gets done! people end up staying here for years and years and accomplishing nothing other than becoming the manager of Kmart or something comparable, it's sad.
If you at least get to go to Austin, then it is not a disaster smile but I hope you get what you want.
The following is an excerpt from the book In Cold Blood by Truman Capote.

You are a man of extreme passion, a hungry man not quite sure where his appetite lies, a deeply frustrated man striving to project his individuality against a backdrop of rigid conformity. You exist in a half-world suspended between two superstructures, one self-expression and the other self-destruction. You are strong, but...
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I hate working on the car. The battery was fried so I was forced to install a new one. There was no way I was going to take it to the shop. Spent too much time and money there in the last week. So I decided to do it myself.
Pain in the ass. It was kind of funny. The car was parked in front...
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You're in good company. I'll be crying myself to sleep today too. Life is such a smelly cunt.

Apologizing to your friend might just work. You should try it. wink

I liked your story about your dad. I got yelled at a lot for not shining the flashlight properly. Dads are all alike.
We Wanted Dance Music

Dear Pluto,

Things could happen. You never know. The only sounds that I hear are the dishwasher adn the hum of the laptop. Also, a ceiling fan. Images blur. They leave streaks.

So, Youre there. What are we gonna do? Lets go to the old Dance Club. good idea!!!!!!!! We havent been there for years. Thats cause you got arrested for...
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Ummm... I don't really know what to say about that but it made me smile so... kudos!

So glad you enjoyed my pussy prickles. kiss

I didn't know that Willie was coming here. I missed Emmylou. frown Perhaps I'll make it to see Willie. That would be very cool.
thanks for the pictures! did you get some good ones at the rev? Kerri and I wanted to get closer but my crazy psycho ex kept pushing us out of the way if we tryed to get closer, dumbass! (him, not you) anyhow, hope you had fun!
Great pic!