i guess i was due for a new blog. not much has happened. last week was my spring break. worked 46 hrs. can not WAIT to get my paycheck for that week lol. hopefully i can pay off my credit card and put some money in savings so i can eventually get the fuck out of my house lol.
today i take my entry exam for the radiology program. i know I'm suppose to think positive and all that good stuff but I'm not too sure I'll get in. i do have back up plans though! if i do not get into radiology, I'm going to see if i have enough credits to at least get my associates in general education since I've been in college for 2 years now. and then i will most likely go to a vocational school and just get a certification in either EKG and phlebotomy or sonography. yes i wont be making as much as i would be with a radiology degree but school is really just not for me. maybe one day I'll go back but as for now, i think i would rather work a lot and save my money, move out, get settled in an apartment and eventually go back for my degree. i think it's a good plan and I'm hoping it will work out as i have it planned in my head lol and who knows there's still that SLIGHT possibility i might get into radiology. we will see.
the nips are still a little sore. getting better though. tattoo is healing nicely =)
this Saturday me and the boy are gonna go see Divinity Destroyed play. they're a local band around here that really needs to get signed because they're amazing. check them out on myspace
i guess that's it for today. I'm skipping my first two classes today..or maybe just the 1st one..haven't decided yet. i do have to go to my 11:25 class and then i get to come home and sleep until about 4:15 when i have to get ready and head to the testing center. wish me luck!
i guess that's it for now. more updates soon.
hey guys...
thank you thank you lady!!! :*****
thanks babygirl!! have a good day!!!