What a week I've had! Seen Deftones, Coheed & Cambria then The Rocky Horror Show followed by boosy's birthday which involved muchos drinking and fun til he almost got lifted for drinking a can of Red Stripe on the street. We talked our way out of it tho.
On another note, I feel it necessary to say a few words with regard to the...
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On another note, I feel it necessary to say a few words with regard to the...
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Does anybody actually read this blog anyway? Oh, I do of course..
Staying at my folks today, just spent the past few hours cleaning and tidying the place up.. it's an absolute tip what with the decorating and unpacking from the flitting from a few months ago.. I just hope there's enough space for my own stuff when I move it back in.. But onyhoo!...
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Staying at my folks today, just spent the past few hours cleaning and tidying the place up.. it's an absolute tip what with the decorating and unpacking from the flitting from a few months ago.. I just hope there's enough space for my own stuff when I move it back in.. But onyhoo!...
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What games were you playing?

Pikmin 2 on the Wii as it happened.. I just played it for the first time and got my arse handed to me by a 7 year old but I got him back after like 6 levels. Other than that I've been playing Portal, which is awesome!
Hey I notice you dig City and Colour.. Far cry from Alexisonfire don't you think? x
Hey I notice you dig City and Colour.. Far cry from Alexisonfire don't you think? x
Is it just me or does anyone else notice how some sets seem to be seriously photoshopped these days? It's been bugging me since I've been looking at some of the hopefuls and mostly which started off quite enjoyable really got me wondering weather to click the the love this set or not for me.. It's so off putting regardless of how hot the girl...
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So! How long has it been?
Man it's good to be back! I'll try to keep up with my subscription from now on.
Well, What's new? I'm a little older a little wiser and still quite frankly off my head.. So much I believe has changed since I was last here and I really dunno where to start.. But so far? I got a new...
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Man it's good to be back! I'll try to keep up with my subscription from now on.
Well, What's new? I'm a little older a little wiser and still quite frankly off my head.. So much I believe has changed since I was last here and I really dunno where to start.. But so far? I got a new...
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hoi, I thought you were meant to be back. were you just defrauding me or something?!
Hey Everybody!
It's been a while... As much as I love my girls here on SG I found me a girl of my very own, which is partly the reason why I've not been keeping with updates etc, so yeah!
More about me...
I met a girl called Ruth, she's *ahem* 19 years old so my teenage girlfriend as it were! though only for another...
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It's been a while... As much as I love my girls here on SG I found me a girl of my very own, which is partly the reason why I've not been keeping with updates etc, so yeah!
More about me...
I met a girl called Ruth, she's *ahem* 19 years old so my teenage girlfriend as it were! though only for another...
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What's wrong?
I"m on the road to self-enlightenment, by applying self-control and respect to my everday life
I"m on the road to self-enlightenment, by applying self-control and respect to my everday life

hello son *mwah*
club noir??
club noir??
About time I think...
I've been lazy the past few days, to think I've been missing out on all these gorgeous girls too!!
I'm so excited just now, there's a thunder storm on the go right now! Although I think it's just gone to rain now... hmmm, I hope it gets heavier.
Anyway! I'm on my four days off part of my rotation. I don't...
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I've been lazy the past few days, to think I've been missing out on all these gorgeous girls too!!
I'm so excited just now, there's a thunder storm on the go right now! Although I think it's just gone to rain now... hmmm, I hope it gets heavier.
Anyway! I'm on my four days off part of my rotation. I don't...
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Tell 'em Craig Thomas-Thompson sent ya and I'll get money if they hire you!
Alan from over in 9's works there too.
Tell 'em Craig Thomas-Thompson sent ya and I'll get money if they hire you!
Alan from over in 9's works there too.
Alright! Fuck it!
Here goes, Journal entry MK3!!
Since I managed to lose all the big journal entry I was working on last time, here's another, I can't promise it'll be any good but you can either take it or leave it! My Life, the crazy soap opera. The Story So Faaaar... meh!
I had a good day today, I took Devin (my son) to...
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Here goes, Journal entry MK3!!
Since I managed to lose all the big journal entry I was working on last time, here's another, I can't promise it'll be any good but you can either take it or leave it! My Life, the crazy soap opera. The Story So Faaaar... meh!
I had a good day today, I took Devin (my son) to...
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Okay, the link isn't working go to www.marshanrock.com
Baby's Mamas are awful...I have to deal with my boyfriends and she's a nutcase.....They feel if you want to change the schedule already set then its the end of the world....and when they need a favor youre the asshole for saying no hahaha.....
Okay, I'm gutted! I just spent upwards of an hour typing a really interesting journal entry and since I missed the window on MSN and hit something else, I just lost it!! NOT HAPPY!!

Aw Dudes!! What's happenin!?
Finally I'm on my four off, the past week (7 days let's say) has been rather hectic! Although firstly I would like to say: I'M AN UNCLE!!! Which is just brilliant! Indeed, my sister gave birth to a baby girl and named her Doone. So now my son is a big cousin but hasn't quite grasped the concept yet, bless him...
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Finally I'm on my four off, the past week (7 days let's say) has been rather hectic! Although firstly I would like to say: I'M AN UNCLE!!! Which is just brilliant! Indeed, my sister gave birth to a baby girl and named her Doone. So now my son is a big cousin but hasn't quite grasped the concept yet, bless him...
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What the fuck is this!!?
I got a fucking parking ticket!! ARGH!! It's not fucking fair!! Okay it was, since I never paid and displayed but that's still bullshit since it should have been more obvious I had to and a shopping centre for fucks sake!!!? Don't they make enough fucking money!!??WANKERS! I'm in the mood to set bout kicking things right now, I'm on...
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I got a fucking parking ticket!! ARGH!! It's not fucking fair!! Okay it was, since I never paid and displayed but that's still bullshit since it should have been more obvious I had to and a shopping centre for fucks sake!!!? Don't they make enough fucking money!!??WANKERS! I'm in the mood to set bout kicking things right now, I'm on...
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thank you for your lovely comment on my set

Ladies and Gentlemen...
My last post was rather boring I felt, so here's another one.
I'm currently ironing out the dents in my ego.
I'll never allow an arse kicking from a girl EVER again!! unless of course it's a freebie and I want her too.
I'm focusing more on getting a bit fitter, I've been on the campaign for a while now but I...
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My last post was rather boring I felt, so here's another one.
I'm currently ironing out the dents in my ego.
I'll never allow an arse kicking from a girl EVER again!! unless of course it's a freebie and I want her too.
I'm focusing more on getting a bit fitter, I've been on the campaign for a while now but I...
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thank you!!!!
i'm SOOOOO glad you like my hair!!!
yay!! thank you!!!
oh...and yes....those pics really were of me on the toilet!! haha!!
my friend decided it would be funny to take a bunch of pictures of me like that....so i took some of her like that
some of the pics look really weird though [the set of 4] because i had a chapstick in my mouth so my little sister couldn't steal it...and i was trying to put my bra back on....so they look incredibly strange!! hehe
thank you again!

thank you!!!!
i'm SOOOOO glad you like my hair!!!
yay!! thank you!!!
oh...and yes....those pics really were of me on the toilet!! haha!!
my friend decided it would be funny to take a bunch of pictures of me like that....so i took some of her like that
some of the pics look really weird though [the set of 4] because i had a chapstick in my mouth so my little sister couldn't steal it...and i was trying to put my bra back on....so they look incredibly strange!! hehe
thank you again!

Thank you for your comment on my set!
I'm going to try to sell the candy in a couple days.
I'm going to try to sell the candy in a couple days.