still have sars, might have even progressed into the monkey pox. although the two are unrelated thats besides the point. i have a new lady "friend" so all is fun
would this new lady "friend" be the new girl at the restaurant? perhaps we should all go to Quig's to celebrate!... not that we need a reason, but hey... having one makes it that much better.
and what the hell are monkey pox... i keep hearing aboout it but no one knows what it really is... i think it was invented in someones head.
i assume things are still weird with 'ex' miss wonderful??
how'd the bachelor party go by the way? good times?
let's see:
1: only if you keep stepping in there... stop that man, your foots all wet!
2: no i highly doubt it
3: pasty and white... cold and clammy
4: not last time i checked
5: ummm... dunno
6: hardly ever.
Then came adolescence - half my waking life spent locked behind the bathroom door, firing my wad down the toilet bowl, or into the soiled clothes in the laundry hamper, or splat, up against the medicine-chest mirror, before which I stood in my dropped drawers so I could see how it looked coming out.---fucking have to love the Philip Roth
Strangely enough that brings a tear to my eye remembering all the perfectly good children I must have wasted in my adolescence... ahhh, but they were worth it I suppose.
I've been told by my Dr. that I shouldn't binge drink on the weekends due to the fact that it negates my Paxil... this however, doesn't mean that I will stop entirely... just slow down a little.
Yeah last night was good times...
and don't worry... I can get that cd from you whenever. you gonna be able to catch X2 with us tomorrow?
[Edited on May 04, 2003]
I'm gonna cutoff drinking for a bit to see if I can get myself back on track with the Paxil... if I still seem like the symptoms are coming back after being dry for a few weeks then I can up the dose and start drinking more again ... but the girl and I will still join you out. wouldn't miss it! X2 thursday?? awesome fucking movie!
haha! the pouch on a kilt is called the sporran!
for $150 (including s&h) i can get a kilt, sporran, hose and have it get here next business day... pretty sweet deal!
cold turkey?.... i tried the patch and it made me all weak and woozy (and imn a pretty big guy)
so youre an upstater too huh.... iused to live in lake george and Utica.
what can we do?
at their best, there is gentleness in Humanity.
some understanding and, at times, acts of
but all in all it is a mass, a glob that doesn't
have too much.
it is like a large animal deep in sleep and
almost nothing can awaken it.
when activated it's best at brutality,
selfishness, unjust judgments, murder.
what can we do with... Read More
i called at 9:30 and yu were gone already! and then you didn't sign on IMer... grrrrrowl. ah well, i suppose we'll set something up this coming week. and THIS time, i'll get your real phone number, just in case.
im in the mood for a rambling random journal entry.
guided by voices are one of the most vastly underrated bands of our time. by far. also tristan and isolde is by far my favorite opera. wow im pretentious im not supposed to enjoy opera. im only in the process of acquiring the proper education to fully appreciate the brilliance of wagner. then again it... Read More
just when i was ready to disregard everyone, humanity does something so decent and selfless that you can not help but fall in love with it all over again. prompt:story.
a friend of mine in dc had a friend visit. somewhere between the airport and the cab ride to her apartment her friend lost her wallet. the two spent the night drinking wine, catching up,... Read More
wow, i'm absolutely speechless. it seems like for every 15 of the assholes you had at work that night, there's only one person like that to balance things out... but every one of those people is so giving that it more than makes up for it.
I'm lucky though because the kid who wanted to figeht me, said that normally he would have just kicked my ass, instead of talking with me first. thank goodness for that i was extremely frightened.
some people really should not be allowed to drink in public, and... Read More