It never goes as planned. Things have been horrible. That wedding I was supposed to go to with my good friend? I didn’t get to go. Apparently the apartment under mine had flooding, and the room that it was happening under was my storage room. Of course they don’t tell me this until I’m just about to go to this wedding, and I’m told by my building management that it was happening in my bathroom, so I clear out the bathroom and take my kitten who I have been training as a service kitten for my PTSD, and thus keeping her separated from the other pets for now so she may focus easier on her training, so I had to remove her from her comfort zone, only to be told by the repairman that the leak was in my spare storage room, and I needed to clear out my closet and other parts which contained heavy boxes discovered I, too, was a victim of the leak. Now, they came Friday afternoon, butI was informed Thursday night that things had to happen immediately. I had everything cleared from the area in the room within 30 mins, was told my building manager was goin to come by, only to have her not, but try to tell me she did, but I was not there(?) I totally was. I didn’t go anywhere. This oh-so important repair still didn’t happen Saturday nor Sunday, but surprisingly happened late afternoon Monday. Now, I was leaving for San Diego today (Tuesday morning to get there for an afternoon flight) and needed to pack… Well, turns out some dumbass put a nail through a pipe upstairs and a whole crap ton of water was just sitting in my ceiling of my closet and created a massive flood… Fun.
I was freaking out thinking strangers would be in and out of my place whileI was gone. Luckily, that won’t have to happen. So I frantically packed last night, and ended up with heat stroke a few times which has been happening a whole hell of a lot lately.
I make it out to the airport, was given a bit of grief for needing ADA assistance to my gate. ApparentLy, I look underage and too young to be escorted through the airport and I was very rudely demanded to tell them why and what was wrong with me. *sigh*
We make it to my gate hours before my flight. As they are calling for pre boarding, one minute prior to boarding, we all get a text that our flight was delayed for 2 hours. Someone decided our plane needed to be used for a totally different flight…
I’ve made it to San Diego at least, after the week from hell. The only good thing that happened was I got to go to Ren Fest in CO with a good friend I am ironically now having help me here in San Diego. One friend I was excited to see got the Roni last minute, and I’m bummed.
Now I need to get my ass to sleep. Apparently tomorrow has been decided to be my birthday celebration by my awesomely crazy and lovely friend from here who I am seeing in person for the first time in years.