Before I start with my homework, I want to talk about my awesome visit to Denver on Monday! I went up to go to's new store because they are amazing and hook me up with some CBD to vape to help my EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome).
Totally look them up at! They have some really cool vape pens for flower (some seen next to me) and other amazing things, like one-time use CBD vape pens, and refills for your own pen, if you've got one.
After hanging out with some really cool people, I decided to make an impromptu post to see who would like to meet up for food and drinks, and it just so happened that the beautiful @payton was in town! So guess what I got to do?
Meet the babliest babe on Earth! š
But even just as awesome, I got to see @rockinricky for the first time in fucking YEARS!
Here we are all being effing awesome!
Now to my homework @rambo, @missy, @lyxzen :
What 3 things do you get a weird girl like me? Well, first is simple, and maybe partially expensive, but I love Marvel All things Marvel. Some of you may know I collect Marvel Funko Pop bobbles (and other nerdy stuff). I especially love the Exclusive ones. I recently got my hands on a couple of exclusive items worth a lot for less than $15 each. I mean, here is my nerd alter:
Number 2 is the cheapest. I am OBSESSED with Animal Crossing, so naturally, I have been playing the new game, and of course you need to collect these cards called Amiibo Cards to get new neighbors in the game. I am sad that I am missing many of my favorite ones throughout the other games, so a couple of packs of $5.99 cards, if you can find them in your local store, so I may complete my 100 card set before the release series 2. I only want all of the ones from series 1 because I'm not that excited about spending m0re money for another series.
Number 3, this is kind of an either/or type deal. I know I really should be asking for forearm crutches since my EDS is getting to the point where my legs can't hold me up anymore more and more often, and the fact that my insurance sucks for such devices, I'll probably have to end up paying for most of my one anyhow. But I could be completely impractical and just say all I want are Marvel/Star Wars clothes and/or cosplays, or to completely buy out the Marvel, Portal, and Star Wars sections of or
If you want to see what my wishlist looks like, you can visit here:
I've also started releasing exclusive content so I can save up and start my youtube series of cosplay and "mystery" on This site will also help me save up to shoot more sets here both of myself and other girls, since I could never afford to go to a shootfest! š
Well, hopefully you've enjoyed my blog, and I hope you have happy holidays, whatever you celebrate! Even if you're like me and do things more out of tradition than belief. Some day, I will find that Darth Vader tree topper so I may worship the dark side properly! š
ā -Sid-ā