
ha, ha. hahahahaha... your latent and obvious partisan racist republican't agenda has failed. go cry to your "overwhelming" constituency. ha hahaha. you facist fucking assholes

You will come baaaack.
in the history of all things me, i've consistently found i have a complete and utter weakness for women's singing voices. perhaps my time singing along with them, with my own voice conjoined in overwhelming noise, is to blame. maybe it's my kryptonite.

in a typically eclectic maneuver i've gone ahead and accidentally become totally consumed by listening to Ellipse. not my typical mode of...
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oh yes, filled with all the joy in the world.

well now... wasn't this a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to be traipsing about back in irreverent and steamy land of SG anytime soon, much less on someone else's dime.

whoever you are, thanks

The Power of Two

It's easy to fall in love with the Power of Two. It lives in all of us, by our very nature. Two eyes, two feet. Two breasts, two hands. Two thumbs, arms, legs, knees. Two each of our toes. Barring the unusual, this is what greets us in our mirrors, our own eyes, in the people we wander past, oblivious. Those...
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quote from my weekend:

Blah blah blah...

me: no... i want a pony.

him: does it poop rainbows?

me: well... no not really.... i just duck tapped the horn on and shoved a spray can up it's ass.

him: well, ya gotta do, what ya gotta do...

so ensues hilarity.
suffice to say, i'd rather be late and well fed/entertained than on time with homicidally inclined low blood sugar.

good thing no one is really into caring, hell, i'll probably be late, and still beat my boss to work.
i'm pretty glad my leg isn't made out of breadsticks, and i know when so say enough is enough.

now if only i didn't have an extra 30 or so tacked on, i'd be feeling pretty good. physically anyway.
I dunno, having a leg made out of breadsticks might come in handy..... say for calling your dog, uh.... um, ........noooooo, I guess it wouldn't be after all. surreal
it may not be sanity that has settled back into the american political bubble, but gods be damned if it don't smell just as sweet.

Fuck! Shit oh my god get the FUCK down!!! here it comes!

an update.

Whew~ glad that was over quick... almost got me on that one.
yer silly.

on all matters spammmy.

why for fucks sake would i contemplate getting any sort of degree from a "reputable" online source that includes such dubious typos as:

"Bacheelor, MasteerMBA, and Doctoraate"

yes yes, i know they do this to spoof the filters, yes yes, i know it's not a real degree. but certainly, could they at least Try. Is is too much to ask from...
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