I have just had one of the all time greatest weekends.
Got lots of work done

Went out for mates birthday and had a 1LB steak

Hit town hard and didn't have to drive in or out and I still woke up at home

Went to see my cousins that I haven't seen for fucking ages. We all met up in Bristol as Caian (number 1 cousin) lives there. Two night of hard drinking and meeting all his student mate was fucking great

Though it did result in

Met some lovely ladies

The only downside is I had to miss the SGUK meet

So how is everyone doing?
oh just another guy about to, or shall i say has already started jumping up and down on my heart again. im a mess
So anyways Pompey local drinks on Friday is on! If you have no idea what I'm on about, well the last sentence pretty much explains it anyways! All going to the pub for a drink or two. Thinking of starting in spoons cause everyone knows where that is and then we can go where the night takes us. As long as at some point it takes us to the Dog for Sailor Jerry! Let me know if you are up for coming and what kinda time suits you!