Ahead of all the usual crude witterings to follow, I just wanted to pay my respects to the king or afternoon telly, the student and channel 4 icon that is Richard Whiteley (not Richard Madeley sadly). I would post an amusing picture of the countdown board but the rudest one I could find with google said 'farted' which is a little below even my level of humour (nob gags are far more mature). Nevertheless I am proud to say my dad met him at a business dinner and said he was as much of an idiot in real life as he was on the telly. Which is why we all loved him. To overseas readers..... I couldn't possibly start to explain....
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
- Richard Bach
God, what just came over me? (fnah fnah)
Back to the smut.....
Now I seem to remember that SG said they wouldn't give my email address away so I'm not blaming them, but it looks like it might have fallen into the wrong hands.....
I know everyone (I hope) gets penis enlargement email offers but I had to laugh - amongst the 50 or so I received, I got one that asked me if I wanted to be able to 'knock down walls with my johnson'. Not a bad claim I thought but if I did have a 'johnson' capable of this, I'm not sure that knocking down walls would be the first thing on my mind, let alone a particularly safe, hygienic or constructive pastime.
A word of advice to this company - if you're going to use the word 'johnson' instead of 'penis', don't send it to someone who has the surname Johnson - the clues in my fucking email address for gods sake.
Anyways, rant over. I promise come wednesday when my exams are over I shall write about something a little more meaningful and prove that I'm not just an alcoholic obsessed with toilet humour. Hopefully.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
- Richard Bach
God, what just came over me? (fnah fnah)
Back to the smut.....
Now I seem to remember that SG said they wouldn't give my email address away so I'm not blaming them, but it looks like it might have fallen into the wrong hands.....
I know everyone (I hope) gets penis enlargement email offers but I had to laugh - amongst the 50 or so I received, I got one that asked me if I wanted to be able to 'knock down walls with my johnson'. Not a bad claim I thought but if I did have a 'johnson' capable of this, I'm not sure that knocking down walls would be the first thing on my mind, let alone a particularly safe, hygienic or constructive pastime.
A word of advice to this company - if you're going to use the word 'johnson' instead of 'penis', don't send it to someone who has the surname Johnson - the clues in my fucking email address for gods sake.

Anyways, rant over. I promise come wednesday when my exams are over I shall write about something a little more meaningful and prove that I'm not just an alcoholic obsessed with toilet humour. Hopefully.
So tell me then fella, where do you go out in this great city?