... Hope everyone had a lurvely weekend!!
My weekend was ok.. I went and saw American Pie the wedding last night, I am not sure quite why we chose that movie, I mean I enjoyed the first american pie and hated the second one, but this one was kind of funny.. except for the oh-so lurvely ending.. i hate fairytale happy endings.. they are such bullshit.. I really want to see 28 Days Later.. which is FINALLY on over here in a few days.. it sucks how we have to wait so god damn long for any movies, I mean it is already released on DVD in America and other countries before it even gets released in the cinema here.. what is with that?!! damn australia,,
I found a new manufacturer for my clothing range this weekend!.. so I can finally get things happening instead of waiting months to get anything made.. I am soo excited!!
Thankyou to all the lurvely peoples who answered my questions in my last entry..

What is your favourite food?
-- defiantly defiently Mexican!!!.. yummmm

What is your ultimate car or form of transport??
-- a Bedford van.. I have always wanted a black Bedford van, like the one in the A-Team.. with chunky mags and bubble windows and a mattress in the back.. damn those vans are soo sexy!!
Do you have any brothers & sisters??
-- no.. only me

Ultimate Sexual Fantasy (ok yeah I know it is listed in the SG profile.. but tell me again, or maybe another one?!?)
-- to have an uber sexy hot grrlfriend, with whom I pick up sexy hot boys, take them back to our room, tie them up and fuck in front of them, tease them soo bad that they are going insane .. then finally fuck them and give them the best night of their life

ok.. I gotta go.. have to try to design a clothing tag for the mens t-shirt range I will be doing.. i am having huge problems finalising a design, but tonight i am going to finish it!!!
Have a lurvely week and ..\m/


it's been a long time.
i've been out of it for a while.
random thought - i know you want to launch your clothing line in japan, how would you feel a/b singapore?
my hubby is singaporian.
tonight was our 6th anniversary.
as couples are wont to do on such occassions, we started talking a/b the future.
basically, the idea is to get pregnant, have a baby, when the baby is a few months old move back to singapore and open a shop.
it would be called beauty queen - that's my nickname - and it would sell and celebrate all the things we love - rave, punk, goth . . .
i would take the baby to work w/ me.
i would take the dog to work w/ me.
there would be a corner where i set up my sewing machine and dressmaker's dummy and sew and one rack where i sell my one-of-a-kind, one size (my size) hand made designs.
i would bring my turntable and play my musical records and the sugarcubes and neil diamond and the ramones and john denver and johnny cash and bob dylan and the gorillaz and the chemical brothers and the dropskots . . .
i would love to sell your stuff.
my favorite food is curry - from any nation.
my ultimate car would be a 60's mustang. (although i love the a-team as well!)
i have 2 older sisters.
i concur w/ your ultimate sexual fantasy . . .