Hey SG!
I have some good news and some bad news. I'll share the bad news first so that you will be excited by the end of the blog from the good news.
Bad News:
On Saturday, May 26th, I got into an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. I was hosting a memorial day bbq at my house with a few friends. The idea of taking my bf's street bike out around the block came up and everyone was game to try it out. Everyone but me. I'm a pretty clumsy person so the idea of me driving this bike didn't seem safe. However, after each one of my friends take it out around the block and return safely, I figured, "how bad could it be?" I took off around the block and just as i was coming up on my street back up to the house, I turned around the corner a bit too fast and wide causing me to loose control and hit a parked SUV head on.
The impact threw me off the bike head first into the side of the car, which knocked me onto the pavement where i skid against the ground face down. I quickly jumped back up to my feet ignoring the pain all over and the blood dripping from my face. A nearby neighbor saw everything and began running over to help. I was so embarrassed I just kept shouting "I'm fine!" and continued to walk the bike back home.
As soon as I got back up to my house everyone said i should go to the hospital due to my chin being gashed open and bleeding everywhere and a lump on my head the size of a grapefruit. I insisted that I was fine and got cleaned up.
I eventually gave in to going to the ER 3 hours later when I realized my chin might not stop bleeding. I was there from 11pm-2:30 am. After multiple x-rays, a Cat scan and at least 7 different nurses asking me what happened, I left with 6 stitches in my chin, a fractured right elbow, mild concussion, and bandages over both knees and elbows.
Now i'm becoming pretty good at doing everything left handed!
My friend Jeff took me out for frozen yogurt.
After I got my stitches.
My knees right after.
This goes up in MR tomorrow night!!!!!
Shot and edited by MahalBella. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!!!

I have some good news and some bad news. I'll share the bad news first so that you will be excited by the end of the blog from the good news.
Bad News:
On Saturday, May 26th, I got into an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. I was hosting a memorial day bbq at my house with a few friends. The idea of taking my bf's street bike out around the block came up and everyone was game to try it out. Everyone but me. I'm a pretty clumsy person so the idea of me driving this bike didn't seem safe. However, after each one of my friends take it out around the block and return safely, I figured, "how bad could it be?" I took off around the block and just as i was coming up on my street back up to the house, I turned around the corner a bit too fast and wide causing me to loose control and hit a parked SUV head on.
The impact threw me off the bike head first into the side of the car, which knocked me onto the pavement where i skid against the ground face down. I quickly jumped back up to my feet ignoring the pain all over and the blood dripping from my face. A nearby neighbor saw everything and began running over to help. I was so embarrassed I just kept shouting "I'm fine!" and continued to walk the bike back home.
As soon as I got back up to my house everyone said i should go to the hospital due to my chin being gashed open and bleeding everywhere and a lump on my head the size of a grapefruit. I insisted that I was fine and got cleaned up.
I eventually gave in to going to the ER 3 hours later when I realized my chin might not stop bleeding. I was there from 11pm-2:30 am. After multiple x-rays, a Cat scan and at least 7 different nurses asking me what happened, I left with 6 stitches in my chin, a fractured right elbow, mild concussion, and bandages over both knees and elbows.
Now i'm becoming pretty good at doing everything left handed!

My friend Jeff took me out for frozen yogurt.

After I got my stitches.

My knees right after.
This goes up in MR tomorrow night!!!!!

Shot and edited by MahalBella. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!!!

i just looked through the member review queue trying to see when your set was going up and then i realized it was UP!!
It's beautiful!! lovvve it!!
feel better.
glad i got to shoot you before you got all fucked up! hahahaha