Yesterday I got three of things listed on my "Makes me happy" list. Good day, good day... No, I didn't go to Disneyland. That might have been too much. I might have sploded.
Sploding would be bad.
Now on with the show!
Mersha was so stunned by the hot mermaid girl (combined with the massive amount of carnage she was wreaking) that she could only gape. Merhsa's mojo was working, though, as it tends to do whether or not she wants it to, and a sudden earthquake rent the sea floor far beneath them in twain. Heh. "In twain." Anyway, no one noticed this except for some small ugly creautres that live all spooky-like in the darkness down there. They were not pleased, but no one cares. Just as Mersha was working up to hollering something, the girl-creature vanished in a flash of sprinky scales. Sprinky is too a word. Go look it up. But you won't. Because you're too goddamn lazy. So you're doomed to take my word for it. Peering down into the murky tuna-gutty water, Merhsa saw a small but very bright flash of light far below. She wondered at this, but was already overloaded with too much new information to properly process much. So she sat back down on her boat to get her head together. Mersha had never heard of girl-beasts like this before, and she was pretty sure that, being a goddess, she would have been prviy to that sort of information. That flash of light had left her with weird little color spots in her vision, and she squinted upwards, hoping to dispell them. That's when she noticed that her pear tree was withering up into a black shrivel at a very rapid pace.
Sploding would be bad.
Now on with the show!
Mersha was so stunned by the hot mermaid girl (combined with the massive amount of carnage she was wreaking) that she could only gape. Merhsa's mojo was working, though, as it tends to do whether or not she wants it to, and a sudden earthquake rent the sea floor far beneath them in twain. Heh. "In twain." Anyway, no one noticed this except for some small ugly creautres that live all spooky-like in the darkness down there. They were not pleased, but no one cares. Just as Mersha was working up to hollering something, the girl-creature vanished in a flash of sprinky scales. Sprinky is too a word. Go look it up. But you won't. Because you're too goddamn lazy. So you're doomed to take my word for it. Peering down into the murky tuna-gutty water, Merhsa saw a small but very bright flash of light far below. She wondered at this, but was already overloaded with too much new information to properly process much. So she sat back down on her boat to get her head together. Mersha had never heard of girl-beasts like this before, and she was pretty sure that, being a goddess, she would have been prviy to that sort of information. That flash of light had left her with weird little color spots in her vision, and she squinted upwards, hoping to dispell them. That's when she noticed that her pear tree was withering up into a black shrivel at a very rapid pace.
Oh, right... for a moment I'd forgotten she was the goddess of terrible earthquakes and also of eyeballs bursting into flames. I suppose someone has to be the goddess of that. You're very good at the cliff hangers...