BAD Catwoman. VERY BAD.

Eugh. I feel all oogy inside. I hearby vow not to see that wretched movie and possibly to deny that it exists at all.

Michelle Pfeiffer better get a buck fifty every time Halle Berry says "meow" like that.
ATTENTION. IF YOU LIVE IN THE VACINITY OF 1ST AND SWEETZER, IS YOUR BIG-SCREEN TV ANGLED TOWARD THE HUGE WINDOW FACING THE STREET? If so, then you probably shouldn't have been watching that lame-ass porno last night at around 11. Because a bunch of us walking by stopped and watched/mocked you for a while.
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!! tongue
That makes me laugh. haw haw.
Awright, awright. I keep forgetting that I heal pretty quick, all things considered... Man, I'm so sick of rejection. But as Mike said today (about something totally unrelated to me) "I learned that if the same bad thing keeps happening to you, it hurts less and less each time." Anyway. I kinda had in mind I'd close this for about a week or two, but...
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Remember that college art professors (that includes photo profs) have their own agendas and closed minded moments. Or maybe he is challenging you to stretch a little more. Prove him wrong!!!! I have see some of your photos, you are good.

By the way a comment like "whatever you big homo" is unacceptable from a professor. You could complain to the school.
One of your favorite films is Donnie Darko...have you been to the website? Way cool, but it kinda confuses me....but then again so did the movie, lol.

Are you going out to the LGBT event tuesday night at Hamburger mary's?
So now.. everything I think to write morphs into a note to Erika.. and that's not really going to work out.

So until further notice... until I'm not miserable, until I can think of anything else, this journal is going to have to be closed.
oh hey yeah, that would be cool (comin to see the showness) i'll be back in town like friday and thereafter... ya know when ya comin down? (call/email me if i ever don't reply for a while on the sg post smile )
I'm regretting that I haven't dropped by in a while. I scanned backwards... there's so much to get absorbed in here (especially the entry on blood love ).
Frank (regarding a line in "Gigli"): "Wow, she just ruined cunnilingus AND Thanksgiving for me."

Red dyke hair is now. Blue is gone. Picture is forthcoming. Maybe.

Today I acquired a candy necklace and TWO count them TWO candy bracelets. They came in a Disney princess purse. I'm saving them for a special occasion. Or maybe Tuesday.
For no reason.

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Oh my. Just got the crazy-ass vibrator I ordered a little while back. I can't stop giggling at it. I mean really. If I look at it, I start cracking up. It's just... really silly-looking. And squishy. I forgot it was going to have the texture of a slightly stale gummy bear.

The rat who was sitting nicely on my shoulder just stole my earring and ran away. I'm going to have to kill her now.

Hey Erika!

Hee hee.
Man... Feel weird today. Took a nap but it didn't help. In fact, now I feel worse weird. I don't think my body fits right today and I can't seem to focus on anything for very long. After about two minutes I get all twitchy and have to find something new to fuss about. Eh. Shouldn't take naps in late afternoon. Makes me feel all...
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On the topic of Degrassi (sweet sweet Degrassi) --
Asa: this show has so many characters
Jeff: it's like "War and Peace"

Annnnyway. Been away from the puter for a few days... I get back to it and sweet mother mary, there's a Morgan and Edea set! Niiiice

Back at school. Wow, this might be the last time I ever really get to say that....
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It's so good to be back.

Watching Firefly dvds and feeding my rats cream cheese because I enjoy spoiling them and make them big squishy fatties.

Frank bought me cookies in Hawaii. Mmm, Hawaii cookies.
With macadamian nuts? Mm, macadamian nuts smile.
Firefly kicks ass.
Still advocating Pop Gun War. popgunwar.com
There's just something about it...

I'm all packed up but I don't leave for many hours. I don't know what to do with myself.

I randomly bought Fillerbunny comics for Lauren yesterday because I knew she was looking for them. Apparently it was a good move because now she says she got me something. Crap! I didn't know we...
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New favorite thing is the graphic novel Pop Gun War by Farel Dalrymple. It's beautiful and sad and sweet and really got to me, even though it's a little abstract.

and HEY. He's not only gonna be at the APE thingie, but he's apparently having a show of some sort at Meltdown this February. I can totally go to that with my magical driving machine!...
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