1. As *nsync would say, "God must have spent a little more time on you." What, exactly, did God spend more time on?
^_^ tehpeanut
2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it be and why? Also, what would the protesters do in protest, to show they think your war is evil?
irate customers... because they just don't understand... Read More
so i just finished the first book i've been able to finish in a long time. it was Neil Gaiman's "American Gods". pretty good stuff. wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but definitely to a lot of people.
"He wondered whether home was a thing that happened to a place after a while, or if it was something that you found in the end, if you... Read More
Nice socks! Yes, I remember it snowing last year around X-mas, but I did'nt get to see it. I was asleep from working graveyard shift. Hope ya'll are okay.
so, not too much to update.. i've been on here a lot less lately cuz i bought an xbox360 and blew another $400 on Black Friday for an HDTV (looks sweet).
other than that, i've got a promotion coming up at work hopefully, so that means more money, and i'm looking at eventually trying to finance a Scion to get me around instead of having... Read More