I'm not 100% yet, but I think I'm done with this site. Currently I'm thinking, let folks know for a week, then go anon and ditch the site. Might change my mind, but that's where I'm at now.
It seems that Bete_noir was deleted from existence/uberzotted. I'm hearing that it's because she called the decisions on the design of the new... Read More
I've expressed my opinions on this topic in various places so I don't really want to repeat myself here... just wanted to say I agree and I added you on fb
My backup plan is a road trip to Chico to hang with a dear friend. Hopefully the dear friend can come south to hang with me. If I head north I would love to meet you and will definitely let you know.
Everyone got gift cards for Kinokuniya (Japanese books/gift shop) in their stockings (courtesy of me), so we made a pilgrimage to the San Jose area yesterday. We also went to Mitsuwa (Japanese grocery) and Cost Plus for various snacks (and roasted chestnuts!), to Daiso (Japanese dollar store), and topped the evening off with a visit to Cherry Sushi. We spent way too much money, but... Read More
That IS a large reason for my being so happy at the moment; I'm happy with the direction I'm headed in. One day I'll write a blog that actually puts me in a good light, ha. Thanks for the support!
Spent definitely more money than I should have on comic books this afternoon, because I felt like it. Also bought a few DS games, both on Amazon and at the local GameStop. And I also got Pikmin 2 for the Wii on Amazon, having just noticed that it's finally available.
So, Shizwife's enjoying having a female dog, because it gives her an excuse to use the word "bitch" more often.
She's calling Corrina a "bitch", and our 5-year-old daughter K gets all indignant. "Corrina is NOT a bitch." So Shizwife's all, "Yes she is; go ask Dad."
"Dad, Mom says Corrina's a bitch."
"Well, K, bitch means 'girl doggie', so... Read More
By the way, I meant to write you sooner, but I've been crazy busy. I 100% agree on the personal morality thing from the truth thread last week. My morals may not 100% jive with the majority. I find somethings wrong that others don't and vice versa. But what i believe I feel strongly about.
I am also incapable of lying. Seriously. It gets me in trouble because I have this drive to be open and truthful and you'd be surprised how often thats not the right thing to do.
Also a very guilty personality. I've been known to apologize because it's raining. There's a Tori Amos line (my wife is obsessed with her) that has been quoted about me quite frequently: you have enough guilt to start your own religion. :-)
Just got the invoice back from previous property managers, against our security deposit. Was hoping to get some back, but the total was $2957.07 against our deposit of $2050 (leaving a balance owed of $907.07).
A couple shots of Bulleit Burboun helped me get back to a relatively relaxed state.
Most of the items on the invoice, unfortunately, are relatively reasonable. I do have issues... Read More
House is finally come toegether. There are like 2 unpacked boxes. Wifey was a whirlwind of energy, unpacking and placing stuff. It really feels like a home now.
We love it. There are still some minor problems, like a window that doesn't quite close entirely, leaking heat, but this house is really amazing compared to what we were living in, in Santa Clara. And so... Read More
You know, nothing that would be too weird here on SG. But where I live, my point of view is really really weird. It's weird that I am supporting my husband on my income and that I think this is good. It's weird that I know actual lesbians and talk about them - and to them. It's weird that I don't go to church or believe in God, really weird. I think for this guy, the weirdest thing is that in spite of all this, I do not appear to be morally depraved or intellectually incompetent.
Don't get me wrong, I like this guy. He's one of the most interesting, engaging, and thoughtful people I've worked near for several years. In fact, that is part of the problem - I like him and I think he thinks, so I really do want to open up to him. There is nothing like thoughtful in-person conversation. But we are definitely from different worlds.
In the end, I think he's still going to talk to me. Score.
Feeling pretty terrific today. Got some huge rebates from the IRS, completely paid off the maxed-out credit card, and two other things I hadn't been aware of that were seriously lowering my credit score (they're going to take them completely off my record). Expecting to remove a suspension from my Driver's license on Monday (have a large traffic fine to pay off in Sacramento). This... Read More