So how much ass did last night kick? All of a sudden I get a message from Luci inviting me to come hang out with her and some of her friends for the night. It turned out to be a damn good night. Her friends that I was introduced to are very cool, and exceptionaly nice. I had the chance to do and see some...
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I dont think I will get to be on much this coming week. I will be heading to the rifle range, and that means rather long days. But, it does get me out of the regular work cycle for a week.
So here I am...happy Vista, California. You know, its times like this that I really do love being in the Marine Corps. I get to spend the next 2 - 3 years (assuking I dont get sitting out here in the Cali sun. Damn I rule.
you are in CA?? where the hell is vista??
email me
email me
Ok, so an update is long overdue. I have had several problems of late so even getting to the site on a regular basis has not been possible. Work has been real busy ever since we got back from the hurricane, but it is finally starting to taper off a bit. In addition, it has come time for me to reenlist. This is a significant...
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Luci: The show was freaking kick ass. The place was PACKED, but it was still fucking awesome. That was the first time that I had seen Nevermore in concert and they were damn good. One of these days I am gonna have to pay you back for that treat.
I am now back in New Orleans. This place is surprisingly fucked up. I was...
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I am now back in New Orleans. This place is surprisingly fucked up. I was...
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how are you!!!
how are you!!!

you need to upate my friend
vegas was ok... nothing mind blowing
what has been keeping you so busy?
vegas was ok... nothing mind blowing
what has been keeping you so busy?
So work has been busy as of late as we prepare to leave Quantico and make the trip back to NOLA to resume operations there. This weekend has been no different. Firday we held the Marin corps Ball in celebration of the birth of the Marine Corps. A good time was had by all. Then this morning I had a soccer game to play. We...
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how was the show?!! i am so anxious to know
so you are leaving quantico to go where? new orleans? not hip to your vernacular
you know there is a base in san diego????
so you are leaving quantico to go where? new orleans? not hip to your vernacular

you know there is a base in san diego????

you should look into cali i think there are several bases...
butyou dont get to choose do you
glad that you had fun at the show
they ALWAYS sell out the DC area cause they are the bestband ever!
how was nevermore? they didnt play my leg of the tour *
butyou dont get to choose do you
glad that you had fun at the show

they ALWAYS sell out the DC area cause they are the bestband ever!
how was nevermore? they didnt play my leg of the tour *

I really hate drama. Now some people say I hate this and I hate that all the time so it loses some meaning. But I am telling you right now, I really hate drama. It doesnt even have to be drama involvinig me. Well, it seems there is a lot of it going around these days, about all kinds of very stupid and very petty...
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hey stranger!! where you been? how was opeth? how are you???

Its been a great weekend so far. Had to come back home a lot earlier tonight than we had hoped for reasons I wont get into here, but it was still pretty kewl. Friday night was full of drinking and adventure and Tribes, much like all of today and onight was. I have a game tomorrow so there is no telling what will happen before/after...
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ps i have a mac
thank you will outthe links when i dont have to get up in 4 hrs
sweet dreams

sweet dreams
So we went to Jaxx and that pretty much ruled. Even though one of the guys was too into it cause it not his thing we all had a good time. I can say we will certainly be going back there again. As for the rest of my weekend, lots and lots of Tribes. Damn I have missed playing this game. Im not worth a...
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Happy Birthday

luci said to say happy birthday. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
So I finally got an internet connection in my room. So for Quantico has been pretty nice. They have me doing random stuff but I dont mind since it makes the time go by. My Gunny has been taking care of us so I dont usually go in till around 0900 and get out around 1600. We still dont have uniforms since they are in...
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GO TO JAXX!!!!!!!!!!!
welcome back!!
hmm a bike? that would take even longer, im not jock enough
welcome back!!
hmm a bike? that would take even longer, im not jock enough

so what have you done so far this weekend?

Anytime you're in the area, let SallySeersucker and I know and we'll get some drinks!