A thread here in one of the groups made me all nostalgic but also a little bit happy. It reminded me of a time that was very difficult for many reasons, but probably the first and only time I felt loved in a very sincere way, something that hadn't happened since then and probably will never happen again.

Buuuuut I got some free juice today!...
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There is a way to end days in a bad way. There is a way to end days in a good way. And there is always the way to end days in a Ibetternotkeepthinkingaboutthatstuffsway. Three times is the charm, no?

Also, this might be my favorite place right now.


If all else fails, use fire. Or cupcakes. Cupcakes will always work.

So, after I got stood-up by my girlfriend (again. No big surprise here.) I was out, found the happyboat, went shopping (less money equals more happiness? No? Was afraid so... ) and - that's the great part, met a very dear friend of mine. Well... she is my only friend here, to be
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Great weather to be outside, but that foul mood seems to like my insides and decided to stay a little longer. Ar least the boat here on the Danube seems to be happy!


This day was a bitch and I'm tired as hell, but for some reason I can't sleep. I feel... uneasy. And filled to the bursting point with all kinds of bad moods. So, here, grumpy tired me in bed.


When I got home today, a small package from a very dear friend from Japan was waiting for me in front of the entrance. It's a combined and belated christmas/valentines day-present and she jam-packed it with different sweets and bath supplement (she knows I love me some quality-tub-time!). <3

And the cutest thing of them all is this keychain. Seriously. It just melts my inside
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Today I made a spontaneous trip to an old ruin - well, actually it was more a "if I'm close I might as well go there"-thing, but because of that, I didn't bring my camera with me. So, my phone had to do the trick, but... meh... still could kick myself.

And of course, the best thing (except from crawling through every opening that seems
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Today at work it was pretty exhausting and no chances of improvement for at least another two weeks. BUT tomorrow is my day off, so I can enjoy my special cherry-coke (just use your favorite coke-brand and mix it with cherry liqueur! Mixture ratio highly depends on taste and mood. Right now it's definitely more liqueur than coke. Still tastes like cherry-coke but makes drunk...
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There are actually two people following me here? What? Why? When? That's such a insignificant thing, and yet it makes me the most happy guy in the world just now. XD

YES, I'm that simple. But now I feel bad for not posting anything around here... BOOOH! T___T


Ha! I'm so back from the dead! Well... it's more the kind of "back from the lazy-asses", but a little update won't hurt, right?

There is one thing I need to keep in mind around here. This town I'm living in right now, is way smaller than Vienna was, you know, the place I lived, before I moved here. And people are a little bit...
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prime lenses are the shit, especially one so fast! Cool contacts =)
Thank you! :) Yes, the lens is pretty sweet and I have so much fun trying out the new possibilities! But I really need to get used to the walk-zoom. XD