I'm back in Vienna for a few days, my little sanctuary, the place I grew up. And when I came back from a lovely evening with my ex-colleagues, (maybe a tiny little bit tipsy) it was dark. It was about 10°c. And it was raining.

Perfect conditions to get numb. The good way. The perfect way. The getting one with the world for just a...
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Should you get forced to watch the ESC, it's not as bad when you're equipped with Bacardi. I'm totally altruistic testing this right know. Very thorough.


...gastric flu.

Kinda ruined the great Japanese dinner my girlfriend invited me to. ;^;

Happy Birthday brother.   Sorry the flu took you down.

To each and everyone out there, a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. No matter how - or even if you celebrate - all the best to you lovely ladies and gentlemen out there. Keep on chasing your dreams and never drown in the fierce river that is life.

And to some of my special ones her (you know who you are!): All my...
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To everyone who has to work in retail during the Christmas-time: my sincerest sympathy. Although I'm kind of hidden away in our stockroom, the last few days were nightmares. So, to everyone who has to deal with customers and hasn't beaten the living shit out of them:

You are doing an incredible awesome job. Be proud of yourself.

worked retail for many, many years
Well, since you are still able to post here means, you either did a very good job at your work, or a very good job at hiding the bodies. In both cases - you have my respect. ;D

There is on major reason, why I love big, commercialized Christmas fairs. No, it's not the sugary doom that is hot wine punch, or the olfactory overdose of chocolate, candyfloss, cheese, lángos, buttery corncobs, and greasy sausages. No sir. It's the toys.

And I'm also not talking about your regular, just a little bit overpriced toys. I'm talking about the shut-the-whining-kids-up-with-cheapo-almost-real-toys-so-I-can-get-pissed-drunk-peacefully-kind-of-toys. Still no idea what...
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A small update here on my blog for hump-day!

This week so far has been pretty sweet. Well, except work on monday, because our new delivery system doesn't work as planned and one of my colleagues told me, she's going to quit her job next month. So to be perfectly honest, I started into this week with a rather foul mood.

That changed when I...
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Sounds like a pretty strong day. 
Indeed - and since they don't come very often, it's a little treasure for me.

This weekend I decided not to prevent the couch from getting dusty, but instead enjoy art in many different forms.

First, I visited the Trierenberg Super Circuit 2014 exhibition. (check some pictures here) Holy shit! I was really getting lost in some of the photos. So many different styles, genres and messages, but all captivating.

And after that, I went right to the...
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it looks so funny! and then Rick and la Mujera are amazing!!! 

Was it no-shave November? Hmm... not quite... Movember, maybe? Not, that's not it...

Ah! Yes! Of course! Fucking lazy! THAT'S what it was. Or I am. Or whatever.


This week wasn't that great. Not at all. So many things are changing at work - and none of them for the better. The contrary is the case! Looks like my new duty roster will include two 6am-days a week. The only public-transport-connection available that will get me there, arrives at 5:30. If the bus doesn't wait, I'll have to walk from the tram station....
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