It's been really quiet here in my blog... sorry for that.
I'm either busy with work or preoccupied with other things. And in the time between my mind is riding a roller-coaster somewhere between my heart and my brain. And I would love to put his screams into words here, because there would be much to write, but whenever I sit in front of the screen, the voice becomes a whisper, unintelligible and only more confusing. But not only my mind... my live as a whole tries to imitate Tantalus as much as possible. Everything seems to be within reach and yet to far away to grasp.
But not all is bad. In the meantime I visited the photography-workshop. It was the beginners class and although I already knew many things, I still learned a lot. That's the big difference between self-education and learning things from someone who does that for a living. A good dialogue is just worth sooo much... And I'm definitely going to enroll for specialized workshops as well. There is one about nature and macro-photography, people and street-photography and even one for advanced image processing with Lightroom and Nik-Software. (We just scratched the surface of that one)
Maybe I'll post some photos from our excursion later. It was so very beautiful and calm...