I miss him so much my fucking bones hurt. This is not fair, it's not right, there is no way to explain it away. I look back at all of the incredibly inferior men I had given my heart to in the past, and regret every second of it. I would not trade the time I had with him, however short it was, for anything in the world. I have never been loved, or loved someone like he loved me or I loved him. Truly amazing, and the best time of my life. Nothing else will ever come close. I am lucky to have had that, most people don't.
For an example of the scumbags I have dated, I just looked at my pics on here, which I never do, and the last pussy I dated commented "I hope you end up alone forever asshole". How mature..........I guess I would be really defensive too if I had failed at everything in my life. A grown man curled up in a fetal position bawling is not really attractive.

For an example of the scumbags I have dated, I just looked at my pics on here, which I never do, and the last pussy I dated commented "I hope you end up alone forever asshole". How mature..........I guess I would be really defensive too if I had failed at everything in my life. A grown man curled up in a fetal position bawling is not really attractive.

<3 i'm glad i could even just be there when you called. hugshugshugs