Saturday Jun 17, 2006 Jun 16, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email cautious. so. my tread. passive. non aggresive. uncertain. acknowledged. executed.
Wednesday Jun 14, 2006 Jun 13, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email because. formal yet abrupt. announced. me and only. come. you. regealiant. showers owns flower. viva: Great bowie pic!!! Jun 16, 2006
Thursday Jun 08, 2006 Jun 7, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email the wait. my stops ponder. simplist drags. the wait. pondering ghost. statued angel. the wait. gradual progression. absolutions rewards. i do.
Monday May 29, 2006 May 29, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email moods allowing. drink overfilled. bike tuned. redlight spill. forwards. haults. my passionate two wheeled lover. dead.
Wednesday May 24, 2006 May 23, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email once was. tomorrows chance. again anew. stepping.
Monday May 22, 2006 May 21, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email web sheethed eyes. layden snipped. finger tips. ears abyss. tongue dismissed. my senses. kamice: thanks. i'm glad to hear from you! May 22, 2006
Sunday May 21, 2006 May 20, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email whimsical ones. fathers taught. mothers soothed. growth stagnit. solid core. smellsl1keaclown: Ahh... Everyone just loves growing up! May 21, 2006
Friday May 19, 2006 May 19, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email thy heart. alike but astray. concious curious. boyant in love. dabble in sorrow. weighted.
Wednesday May 17, 2006 May 17, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email trivial. moments collapsed i hold in ? judgemental thoughts. fragemented gesture. impulse my desire. wandering wish on that star. together,distant. my clocks lifes turn unwinds. exposed.judged.
Sunday May 14, 2006 May 14, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email knelt. scabbed knees. your wish. mine. I'm here. control me. kiss me. now. kamice: you don't want to be my friend anymore? May 14, 2006
Thursday May 11, 2006 May 10, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email envious does. jealousy devours. addicts allow. endless. mole_harris: Thanks for the comment about my tat! I just hope to someday get the damn thing done! May 12, 2006